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Monday, October 14th 2024, 12:40pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Need Help - Red Quest: Gathering Information

There are three quests involved at this point! The scattered necklace with the mermaid; Gathering information from the mermaid and the main quest Secrets of the past and future. You have to finish The Scattered Necklace before you can complete Gathering Information. Can you check your questlog for the progress on those quests and it will probably be more efficient to speak with a mentor in person to resolve it for you as there are many variables. If you are on discord you can contact me QueenOfS...

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 4:05pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Need help

Hi GreenWarrior. We spoke at length in game about this quest. I will contact you again

Wednesday, April 3rd 2024, 7:09pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[APRIL EVENT] Easter Hunt

New category! 03.04.24 Easter theme You may only respond to a challenge once! Schedule: You have time until 04.04.24 around 18:00 server time More information about the event here and more about the rules here Mehr Informationen zum Event hier und mehr zu den Regeln findet ihr hier!

Wednesday, March 27th 2024, 9:50pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

17-18-21-34 01-07-23-41 11-27-38-40 33-36-43-48

Sunday, March 10th 2024, 6:54pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

Inconsistency/error in quest text: Initiation into the Underground Knights. Quest text says 3 wins OR 70 scalps Current goal says 3 wins AND 70 scalps Quest text is correct. This causes a lot of confusion for newer players who follow the current goal! in process / in Bearbeitung

Sunday, December 10th 2023, 3:01pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[DECEMBER EVENT] Winterwonderland!

Here is the next riddle for you Hier ist das nächste Rätsel für euch

Sunday, December 10th 2023, 12:00pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[DECEMBER EVENT] Winterwonderland!

Here is the next riddle for you Hier ist das nächste Rätsel für euch

Sunday, December 10th 2023, 9:52am

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Competitiveness at 3-4 cc

Hi As a level 4 player myself I understand totally. FIrstly most of the big hitting players in that cave did not have the novice set. They have spent time and effort building strong characters. When I first startyed this character I was faced with the same issue . Take a look at my level 2-4 guide…&threadID=37686 and concentrate on your talents and buying tablets. Those players will also have been using decent buffs. This all takes a bit of time to build ...

Saturday, December 9th 2023, 6:00pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Task 3!

Warrior! Experience a beautiful and exciting winter time with us! Task 3 - Don't let the cold freeze your brain: 2 points per correct riddle We have a series of winter riddles for you, posted at various times throughout the day by a member of the Jesters team. Answer them in the thread before the next one pops up! A little hint: don't base your answers too much on other answers - they could be wrong! We'll start with the first one straight away: Aufgabe 3 - Mit klugem Kopf durch die Kälte: 2 Pu...

Sunday, December 3rd 2023, 11:37am

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

03-06-21-50 01-09-22-27 02-23-28-45 10-31-32-43

Friday, December 1st 2023, 6:33pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Curse of Poverty - Forbidden Nickname

Hi, This is an issue you that would be better to discuss with a guard. You can find human guards online here: You can either message one in game or send a mail.

Monday, November 27th 2023, 7:33pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Character loading problems

Hi, Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your character avatar. Do you use client or browser to play? Is this just today? Just the character avatar in the backpack? Please give as much info as possible. Thank you

Monday, October 16th 2023, 12:40pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba


Quoted from "Jonathan Caron" bonjour ou peut-on trouver des Nitre Crystal je non trouve pas. Si tu parle de…t_id=1012431446 on pourra les trouver dans le battlefield Crystalline caves en donnant les crystaux ou on peux les acheter sur l'echange. Sinon, merci de m'envoyer le lien de l'objet.

Saturday, October 7th 2023, 6:56pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[PVE] Celestial Empowerment Superbeings Events

Queen Andorvane The Queen gives 0xp but the gate guards do. There is only one gate for the celestial queen though. Abilities: Immunity to stunning Mighty Confrontation 3 – she can battle 3 opponents at once Shackles of powerlessness – your mount's magical abilities will not work Divine Enhancement – Immune to debuff scrolls, powders and arrows etc. HP and power scales with attacker. Black Arrow – Reduces damage to 1 and deals 5% of hp in damage every 10 seconds. Can be removed by a player joinin...

Saturday, October 7th 2023, 6:44pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

[PVE] Celestial Empowerment Superbeings Events

General rules The beings will have HP and strength according to the attacker. If you can group with a player from the bracket below you will have an easier fight. Let the lower level attack first and wait for the HP to set before joining. Level 3-4 – 3750 HP Level 5-6 – 16k HP Level 7-8 - 60k hp Level 9-10 – 65k HP? Level 11-12 – 70k HP? Level 13-14 - Level 15-16 - Level 17-18 - Level 19-20 – 200k HP (please feel free to send me a screenshot with the HP for the brackets that I am missing ) Each ...

Friday, September 29th 2023, 5:02pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

help mision: Casket of Mountain Secrets

Hi So you have to swap the gargoyles with the golems here are your moves. 1) VI -> V 2) I -> VII 3) III -> IV 4) VII-> III 5) VIII -> II 6) II-> VI 7) V-> I 8 ) VI -> V 9) IV -> VIII 10) I -> VII 11) VIII-> II 12) II-> VI 13) V-> I 14) III -> IV 15) IV-> VIII 16) VII -> III I hope that helps and happy travels

Friday, September 15th 2023, 3:31pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Le Battle Pass!

Ok, voici donc les informations sur le Battle Pass. Au moment de la rédaction, le pass normal est gratuit pour niveau 4+ et il apparaîtra dans votre sac à dos lors de la connexion. Vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, acheter le pass premium pour 75€/$. Ce prix était correct au moment de la rédaction. Ce pass ouvrira les deux séries de récompenses à chaque niveau. Le pass est valable 31 jours et pendant cette période, vous aurez défini des tâches à accomplir quotidiennement. Les tâches restent les...

Tuesday, September 12th 2023, 2:12pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Lag Situation

Playing on client Time around 14h Nick THEQueenOfSheba While gathering fish I the green fish seem to take longer to resolve. I am left with the full bar for much longer than usual and the message saying I have received ...etc has long past. I would say about 16 second delay. Grey fish resolves normally. Blue fish resolves a bit slower but maybe about 8 seconds only

Friday, September 8th 2023, 12:58pm

Author: THEQueenOfSheba

Where are my diplomas?

Please be aware that wehn exchanging in the sdhope you still have to choose the correct NPC to give the pages to. The shop is to avoid the travelling and not the 'quiz' element of the event. Each NPC tab lists all the pages and you must devine which page is for whom. There is a list in my profile in case you are unsure. Good luck