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Sunday, March 29th 2020, 8:18pm
Author: LE LOUP
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April Draw -
9-14-48-50 33-27-22-4 31-15-26-6 5-12-17-8
Sunday, January 5th 2020, 7:03pm
Author: LE LOUP
About attaks on neutral locations
agree to remove exes on those maps but not fights because you need to deserve to kill scorpolion .... thats the aim of shared location )) but agree exes are useless
Tuesday, July 30th 2019, 1:26pm
Author: LE LOUP
mag searching
stop dreaming be me just find me a mag who wants change race
Monday, July 29th 2019, 9:22pm
Author: LE LOUP
mag searching
he's actually right i have both side char and hum is better, i'm just changing cause i want bring something new before i stop definitly game
Monday, July 29th 2019, 3:59pm
Author: LE LOUP
mag searching
I look for a magmar who wants to become human
Saturday, July 27th 2019, 10:50pm
Author: LE LOUP
Hi, To all who who thinks that you are supposed to do 0 damage against tuver it is false, To destroy your set just use a bless from your opposite set example what i did: I used BC set bought http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=845 i made 1 crit 1 block and 2 dodge for all fight : http://warofdragons.com/fight_info.php?f…33&server_id=10 At the end of the fight i still had 1 life left and 1 scroll so could make it without summoning anything except arhas. So if you wanna beat it 10...
Monday, July 22nd 2019, 9:03pm
Author: LE LOUP
apple users
Hey good news for apple users, since update has been made game doesn't lag *often on browsers. Can also play from phone (from puffin) Positif aspect in all that negg one
Saturday, July 20th 2019, 7:38pm
Author: LE LOUP
Issue with Arena Fight Valor?
why do they just dont match ppl who made maxx amount of fight against each oher ?
Friday, July 19th 2019, 9:02pm
Author: LE LOUP
Issue with Arena Fight Valor?
Really i kicked him only 3 times today ...
Friday, July 19th 2019, 9:01pm
Author: LE LOUP
Issue with Arena Fight Valor?
same problem http://warofdragons.com/fight_info.php?f…78&server_id=10 http://warofdragons.com/fight_info.php?f…07&server_id=10
Sunday, July 7th 2019, 3:20pm
Author: LE LOUP
the main problem is that the flux of leaving ppl is higher than new player And when u see a new guy usually its multi of another guy who plays COM. They could advertise this server in RU or in other mycom games
Sunday, July 7th 2019, 2:27pm
Author: LE LOUP
why do u try to escape the main problem by talking only about buffs in shop ??
Saturday, July 6th 2019, 4:15pm
Author: LE LOUP
Guys maybe admins are not listenning players intentionnaly to make us leave this game ?
Saturday, July 6th 2019, 1:12pm
Author: LE LOUP
@clam its not a question of effort dragon bless at fair = 5g and at shop 2.5g and elemental shield can be bought only at that shop some ppl made an inventory of all those blesses and some other where buying before going in PVP fight if u are second type of guy you're fked cause other can bless maxx and u cant