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Search results 1-20 of 86.
Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 1:02pm
Author: ikke1990
[MARCH EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas - Gamble
Top Middle Top Middle Bottom Middle Top
Saturday, May 9th 2020, 12:52pm
Author: ikke1990
Has anyone gotten the "Lucky" Cerrador statuette?
i'm collectiing my 6th or 7th set
Sunday, February 9th 2020, 10:40pm
Author: ikke1990
Quick-Bet for Clan Wars
1. Prowess (PL) 2. NecroVision (DE) 3. Freedom in Liberty (DE) 4. Ecliptifactus (DE) 5. Kruki (PL) 6. The DarkSide (COM) 7. guerreros del dragon (COM) 8. ira Dei (DE) 9. Die Bruderschaft (DE) 10. Equilibrium of Elysium (DE)
Tuesday, October 1st 2019, 10:08am
Author: ikke1990
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October Draw
6-12-9-3 8-15-29-35 13-21-37-49 17-23-38-45
Monday, September 2nd 2019, 1:15am
Author: ikke1990
shadow seeking rings
@magra, now it seems they only work in cloister yes but in the past it worked for normal mobs.. they could have updated description than isstead of making the change..
Friday, August 30th 2019, 9:48pm
Author: ikke1990
shadow seeking rings
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.ph…ct_id=643528261 http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.ph…ct_id=643528262 they don't work on normal mobs anymore??
Friday, August 2nd 2019, 5:00pm
Author: ikke1990
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw
5 - 15 - 25 - 35 - 45 - 2 7- 28 - 6 - 49 - 37 - 24 13 - 9 - 26 - 39 - 41 - 15 24 - 34 - 21 - 8 - 35 - 43
Wednesday, June 5th 2019, 6:15pm
Author: ikke1990
Streamers and Video-creators
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTSsb81qtrk fully hunt buff on lvl 19 centurions, 230g with +40%gold pots
Saturday, June 1st 2019, 4:41pm
Author: ikke1990
Streamers and Video-creators
Testing recording out so i can do more stuff later, just a small test hunt on centurions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctr4LB1V0ro
Thursday, March 7th 2019, 11:03pm
Author: ikke1990
We deserve a response
or events that spawn in 20 location that give mobs orso but we don't even got lvl 20 events like we had for lvl 19 with zarlog or cerehound leader
Wednesday, February 27th 2019, 2:23pm
Author: ikke1990
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw
6 12 9 18 24 48 12 5 4 17 41 47 6 42 38 39
Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 6:37pm
Author: ikke1990
Chest event
started happening more and more after the diamond certificate increases horseshoes seems they had to compensate
Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 3:40pm
Author: ikke1990
Chest event
only need like 900-1000g with max horseshoes, even if its based on luck seems pretty impossible to need so much
Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 2:56pm
Author: ikke1990
Chest event
Max horseshoes and700g extra spend and still no trigger how it this even possible???