4.3. BBCodes
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4.3. BBCodes
Use bbcodes to format your text. You can find here all commands you can use.
4.3.1. Font family
[font='Font family']Text[/font] You can use this bbcode to change the font family of your text. Theoretically any font family can be used. It just won't be displayed everywhere, because every user reading your text need this font to be installed on...
4.3.2. Font colour
[color=Colour]Text[/color] Do you want to colourise your text use this bbcode. Enter the name of a colour (in English) or the exact hexcode of the colour as parameter. A list with colour names can be found below: • aqua • black •...
4.3.3. Font size
[size=Size of the font in pt]Text[/size] If you want to change the size of the font use this bbcode. A text with [size=36]very large[/size] and [size=6]very small font[/size]. A text with very large and very small font.
4.3.4. Bold
To print text bold use this bbcode. This text is [b]now bold[/b]. This text is now bold.
4.3.5. Italic
[i]Text[/i] If you want to italicise your text use this bbcode. This text is [i]now in italics[/i]. This text is now in italics.
4.3.6. Underline
[u]Text[/u] If you want to underline the text use this bbcode. This text is [u]now underlined[/u]. This text is now underlined.
4.3.7. Strike through
[s]Text[/s] If you want to strike through text use this bbcode. This text is [s]now striked through[/s]. This text is now striked through.
4.3.8. Alignment
[align=left|center|right|justify]Text[/align] If you want to align your text use this bbcode. There are the following key words: left - Align left right - Align right center - Align center justify - Justify text [align=center]This text will be...
4.3.9. Subscript
[sub]Text[/sub] If you want to suscript a text use this bbcode. This text is [sub]now subscript[/sub]. This text is now subscript.
4.3.10. Superscript
[sup]Text[/sup] If you want to superscript a text use this bbcode. This text is [sup]now superscript[/sup]. This text is now superscript.
4.3.11. Liste
[list][*]Text 1[*]Text 2[/list] If you want to include a list in your text use this bbcode. Creating hierarchical lists is possible if you nest the bbcode. [list] [*]first item [*]second item [list] [*]subitem 1 [*]subitem 2 [/list]...
4.3.12. Numbered list
[list=1][*]Text 1[*]Text 2[/list] If you want to include a numbered list in your text use this bbcode. Creating hierarchical lists is possible if you nest the bbcode. In contrast to normal lists you need to use the parameter 1 here. [list=1]...
4.3.13. Link
[url=URL]Name of URL[/url] If you want to link to other pages you use this bbcode. You will notice that included URLs in your text will be automatically converted into links (if you used the related option). A text with an [url=index.php]internal...
4.3.14. E-mail
[email=Address]Description[/email] or [email]Address[/email] If you want to link to e-mail addresses use this bbcode. If you just insert an e-mail address into a text it will be automatically converted into a link (if the related option is enabled)....
4.3.15. Quote
[quote='Name of author',URL of original source]Text[/quote] Use the quote bbcode to display text as a quote. You have the choice to insert the name and address of source as a parameter. [quote='Aristotle']Education is the best provision for the...
4.3.16. Code
[code=Starting line number]Code[/code] If you want to display source code of a script or application you can use the code bbcode. The source code will keep the format. Additionally the line numbers will be shown. Enter the starting number of lines as...
4.3.17. Image
[img]URL of image[/img] or [img=URL of image,left|right][/img] This bbcode can be used to include an image in your text. If you want to float the text around the image you take the address of the image as a parameter and write a comma and the keyword...
4.3.18. Attachment
[attach]ID of attachment[/attach] or [attach=ID of attachment,left|right][/attach] Do you want to embed attachments in your text - use this bbcode. If it is an image attachment you can let the text float around the image: Use the ID of the attachment...