2. User account (Profile)
Dear visitor, welcome to Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Forum. If this is your first visit here, please read the Help. It explains in detail how this page works. To use all features of this page, you should consider registering. Please use the registration form, to register here or read more information about the registration process. If you are already registered, please login here.
2. User account (Profile)
To use all features you need to register your own user account on this page.
2.1. Registration and login
If you want to create your own account on this page, follow the Register link in the menu. After accepting the terms and conditions, you will need to enter some personal information: Username - This is the name you will use to login. Usernames...
2.2. Personal data
You can enter personal information, that can be seen by other members, under Edit profile. This information is usually optional e.g. contact data. Under Edit account you can change the access data for this user account: The username you need to...
2.3. Settings
Under Edit Profile » Settings you can choose from several options to make the use of this page comfortable for you. Next to general settings - e.g. your timezone - you will find options for privacy, communication and display. Please note that...
2.4. Avatar
The avatar is the image of a user. It can be a photo as well as an abstract icon. Other users will recognize you fast if you have an own avatar. Under Edit profile » Avatar you can choose your own personal image. Here you can select an avatar...
2.5. User ranks
Users are labeled by so called "user ranks". Apart from a rank name, users are marked with a rank image. There are fixed defined ranks, they will be assigned optionally for a certain performance (e.g. after 900 points), for certain groups...
2.6. Friends and ignored users
You can add other users of this page as friends to keep the contact to them for example. There are two ways to do this: Under Edit profile » Management » Friends you just enter the usernames you want to add to your friend list. You...
2.7. User memo
Personal notes are handy for backing up texts and text blocks and can be used for various purposes. Under: Edit profile » User memo you can create any text, of course also formatted, and store and sort them into folders. Later you can use them...
2.8. Guestbook
The guestbook is located in each user profile and offers an easy way to leave a public message. Guestbook entries are visible for everyone. In your own guestbook you can delete and comment entries. If you do not want to use the guestbook you can...