Dear visitor, welcome to Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Forum. If this is your first visit here, please read the Help. It explains in detail how this page works. To use all features of this page, you should consider registering. Please use the registration form, to register here or read more information about the registration process. If you are already registered, please login here.
You are currently viewing the help pages of Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Forum. The following help topics describe, in more detail, the possibilities this site has to offer.
1. General Help Concept
This website offers a clear, simple and concise usage concept, with the use of continued elements (buttons, menus and symbols) thus simplifiying the site usage and, simultaneously, provides a secure feeling whilst using this page. The usage elements...
2. User account (Profile)
To use all features you need to register your own user account on this page.
3. Members
If you have registered on this page you are one of many members. Under Members you can find other registered members of this page and can view their profiles.
4. Writing text
While writing text on this page you can use some tools to improve the look of the text. Text can be called post or message within this help. The possible tools will be introduced in this chapter.
5. Search
There is a handy search field on the top of each page, which adapts its functions dynamically to the page you're currently browsing. The search function only searches the area where you currently are, so if you are reading a thread using the search...
6. Forum
In the following part you will get a short introduction into the most important features of the board, including the threads and posts, favorites as well as boards and categories
7. Private Messages
Send private messages (PM) to other members of this page - this is a way to communicate privately. You will find similar functions to your e-mail client. The icon in front of the message symbolises the status of the message: Read You...
8. Tags
Tags are words that describe and/or categorize elements such as images or a posts. Think of it as a kind of a summary of the content. The advantage is that you can search by tags, so you don't have to think hard about good search terms. You can...
9. Moderation
Like administrators moderators have special rights so they can edit and delete content from other users. To use the moderative functions the browser needs enabled JavaScript. At Edit profile » Moderation you will find an overview about...