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Saturday, January 28th 2023, 11:26am

[FEBRUARY] Love breaks the Ice

Stage 1 - Your Task:
What could the message mean? Try to decipher the clues! There are 2 bonus points if you interpret all 4 clues correctly.

Points are awarded for each stage. The player with the highest total score wins. The contributions will be evaluated by the Jesters.

IMPORTANT! In order not to reveal the solution to the others, send Luisaidh a private message here in the forum!

Have fun packing for the journey!

More information about the event here and more about the rules here

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Jan 28th 2023, 11:35am)


Friday, February 3rd 2023, 12:59pm

The Journey continues!

Stage 2 - Your Task:
Name 10 things from FAEO (with a link to the item) that should not be missing in your travel backpack and briefly explain why it is so important to have them with you. There are 2 bonus points each time you pack 2 specific things!

Points are awarded for each stage. The player with the highest total score wins. The contributions will be evaluated by the Jesters.

IMPORTANT! Post your contribution here in the forum!

Have fun packing for the journey!

More information about the event here and more about the rules here

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Feb 4th 2023, 6:06pm)


Sunday, February 5th 2023, 7:43am

Things I would take to my backpack:

1. Magic Tablecloth
It's a special tablecloth that you put on a table or the ground and sets itself with a multitude of food and drink. Having plenty of food and drink is very important during a long journey.…ct_id=811011666

2. Trapper Hat
Wearing a warm hat can help protect you from the cold weather and prevent you from losing body heat. It is good to have one in inventory.

3. Fire
This little spark is locked in a triangle casing and safe from wind and rain; it also lights the campfire while resting after a long day.

4. Lamp
To illuminate darkness while tripping. You never know when a medical emergency requiring first aid will arise. If it happens in the dark, you will need a light to help you see the medical supplies and how to use them.

5. Compass
It helps you know which direction you are traveling in, and you won't get lost.

6. First Aid Kit
One of the most important items in the backpack. As travelers, we must limit our chances of getting infections or falling ill.…ct_id=782934588

7. Mittens
It's good to have a pair of warm mittens to keep our hands in good condition; it will ensure safety for our hands and cold protection.

8. Warm cuisses
As written above, it's also good to have warm pants to not freeze in winter.

9. Axe
We can use the axe for many activities during our trip, such as: chopping wood for a campfire, building a shelter, or defending ourselves from monsters.With this item, you can also cut ropes, release prisoners.

10. Roaming Ice Bear Amulet
Since we are going into an unknown world, it is genius to take with us little help. With this amulet, we can feel safe when some dangerous situation occurs or simply take a nap on our pet's comfortable fur.…artikul_id=6476

If you need Mentor's assistance please check


Sunday, February 5th 2023, 4:40pm

We will go on an unknown journey and the object we will need the most will be fire.
2.Lump of Cheese
Since it is not clear whether we will find food in our adventure, it would be logical to take food with us.
3.Small flint glass flask
It will be useful to take a bottle with us to meet our water needs.
4.Work Tools
We will need to take it with us for operations such as cutting trees and producing emergency tools.
5.Traveller's Rucksack
We need to take a bag with us to put our belongings in it.
6.First Aid Kit
we will definitely need to take it with us in case of injuries…ct_id=794390082
we should wear boots for hard-to-walk roads…ct_id=683861469
8.Deviation Chainmail
We have to take clothes with us to protect ourselves from the cold.…ct_id=773008649
9.Deceptive Halberd
we must take a gun with us to protect ourselves from harmful creatures…ct_id=698370912
10.Amulet of Luan Tiger
Finally, we need a companion who will both accompany and protect us.…ct_id=690373340


Sunday, February 5th 2023, 11:30pm impossible not to bring them on a trip :pie:…ct_id=952777060 elixirs of life to fight without fear :fight:…ct_id=952028837 a recipe book to prepare different meals :dance: I never go out without my faithful companion without it I could not collect plants…ct_id=952192221 a handful of lock picks to open chests during the journey…ct_id=900268148 my hammer to deal with anything :stronger:…ct_id=948708938 variety of books to enjoy wonderful stories…ct_id=938558613 a deck of cards to kill boredom :tease: and last but not least a hat for the cold :smile:


Monday, February 6th 2023, 9:26pm

Well, for this section of the event and responding appropriately, I will take into account the history of the game and the races as well as the relevant role for the desperate situation that has been presented to us.

The trip will be long and worrying, since my wife is in a critical situation of life or death, having to travel to an inhospitable place, full of ice and snow.
So as a first measure, I will choose not to wear additional clothing, since magmars are the color of molten rock and volcanic lava runs through our veins, with which, following the basic logic of my race, I denote that we have a resistance very tall, an indomitable spirit and the heat emanating from our bodies is brutal, so I wouldn't feel the overwhelming cold of those icy lands.
Carrying extra coat as a survival measure would be unnecessary, losing 1 important spot for this adventure.
having clarified this, and making it clear that I will only choose to carry objects that I can use at my level, in addition to the fact that it is logical to go with the armor on in case of combat, I proceed to leave you my list of 10 items to take on this adventure.

1_ Backpack:
To carry all this you need a place to store it all. and since this is the first article and it already counts as 1 itself, by carrying a backpack with only 9 spaces, I manage to keep the promise of only carrying 10 objects.

2_ Magic Tablecloth:…ikul_id=1004007
It is the most complete food for this journey. as you can see, it comes with what for me is a chicken, a soup, fruit, a bottle of wine or some other drink. (I want to believe that it is wine). Although worry won't let me sleep or eat, to recover life and obtain a gratifying satiety that increases my strength, it is the only option.

3_ Fire Wizard:
He is made of fire, he is a perfect antagonistic warrior for this icy adventure. It provides protection and increases my strength in combat. Useful for critical situations.

4_ Bear level 8:
It is an excellent company for the trip. and since everything is covered in snow, I shouldn't even bring him food.
Skillful and fierce in combat. The ideal companion.

5_ Spirit of Fire:
Needed to summon the spirit of flames. It will be necessary to heal my life in combat and help me win.
although its magical effects are useful against the Antipodes, some others can be well applied.

6_ Saint Lyran's Relics:…artikul_id=1842
In case of being wounded by combat, or supposing that I fall down an ice ravine, the skull assures me that it will heal my wounds.

7_ Rescue scroll:…rtikul_id=23374
It will be necessary to remove negative effects of any kind. In case of facing the ice queen and she seeks to freeze me, I will be able to resist her negative spells with this scroll.

8_ Torch:
Assuming you have to enter frozen caves or dungeons, a little lighting doesn't hurt.

9_ Snow Plough Mechanism:
This machine is important since it allows me to obtain Frozen elixir to equip myself in the adventure and get snowballs so that the bear can eat at each step and in each fight.

10_ A baby yeti:
No one has thought that perhaps what the ice queen seeks is to be recognized and revered, which is why she resorts to this twisted measure.
I would take a baby yeti in order to give it as a gift, so that she does not feel alone and that it is a kind of offering so that perhaps, thus, I can release my wife. In case he refuses or doesn't like the idea, he could use the yeti as an extra aid in combat.
Think about it, the idea is not far-fetched. If they give me a pet, I would go into "Fan Boy" mode :shuffle:


Tuesday, February 7th 2023, 12:23am

Your Task!

Hello everybody,

Please pay attention to the details of the task:
Name 10 things from FAEO (with a link to the item) that should not be missing in your travel backpack and briefly explain why it is so important to have them with you.

This means that points will only be awarded for items that are named, have a correct link and are explained.
For example, if your explanation says: "a shovel is a shovel" is not enough!

Good Luck!


Tuesday, February 7th 2023, 2:59pm

1. Fishing rod…ct_id=927896880

Some might say it s unnecessary, but! For those who enjoy
fishing as much as i do, it is a unique experience to be able to do it in a
cold sea. Also, if i catch something, it s free food, right?

2. Executioner Battle Axe

Lucky for the Mag that doesn t find me in a bad mood and cut
off his head! Not only to defend myself from the enemy race, but also to hunt
some wild monster.

3. Trapper Hat

For those of us who are cold, nothing better than a good
furry hat. Also, well... of course, i kind of like the style.

4. Amulet of Resurrection

Seeing dying without being able to do anything has never
been a problem for me: My allies recover their strength immediately. No one
delivers more security than who is prepared.

5. Great Elixir of Life

If we can avoid death, much better, right? I always bring
with me many elixirs of life, so that i can continue with my trips without
problems. In addition, can be sold for a good price to needed warriors.

6. Bread

If i can t fishing anything, better be prepared. A good
piece of bread to restore health and be satisfied.

7. One Piece of Gold Coin

There is no place in the world where gold is not accepted as
currency. There is never a shortage of things to buy wherever you are: Better
to have a significant amount of gold with you!

8. Contrition Chainmail

Powerful, resistant, but that s not why i wear it
especially! The cold won t be a problem...

9. Antique Battle Satchel

What treasures will we find? Some remains of animals,
beasts? Of course, and it is certain that i can carry everything.

10. Water…ikul_id=1002184

It doesn t require much explanation: Survive, and it tastes
very good (at least "my water", which i mix with
"substances" that give it a very sweet taste).


Wednesday, February 8th 2023, 11:38am

1 elixir of courage
it could be useful during this mysterious journey to have a greater dose of courage against the fear of failing the enterprise

2 torchbetween winding and snowy paths this torch will bring light where darkness looms

3 Fatty Salve
very useful to use to prevent damage caused by cold temperatures and will give greater protection to face the low temperatures of this mission

4 Elixir of invisibilityif you want to be successful in this endeavor you have to do it as quickly as possible and this elixir is ideal if you want to travel many kilometers in anonymity without being recognized

5 restorative foodallows you to eat instantly without interrupting our journey in order to continue with our rescue

6…ct_id=881270546 Absolute Rescue Scrollyou can instantly get rid of all the negative effects that we could receive from someone who wants to block our journey

7…ct_id=413522398 The relics of Saint Lyranto heal from the powerful wounds inflicted that we could receive along the way, this powerful artifact comes to our aid which will restore vital energy allowing us to continue

8 hot cup of chocolatehot drink that never gets cold thanks to a secret recipe it will give warmth to our body or it could be destined for our love that we hope we can find again

9 gift red rosesa bouquet of roses to give to your loved one as a gift as soon as she is freed from her cold captivity

10 traveling birdacts as a compass and hopefully can find the best and safest route from above to avoid surprises or wasted time


Thursday, February 9th 2023, 6:10pm

A long and dangerous journey into the unknown awaits me. I do not know what dangers may befall me, so I take with me these few most important items:

1. Backpack
The backpack is essential, because it will pack all the items in it.

2. Lantern
In winter, the days are shorter than the nights, which means that my journey will be in dark. The lantern will illuminate all the darkness and show the dangers hidden in them.…ct_id=794168150

3. Scroll of Healing Wounds
If I get wounds or breaks while traveling, I will heal myself with scrolls (since I am a healer).…ct_id=915655147

4. Compass
A compass is very important on such a long journey. The islands are covered with snow all year round, so it's easy to get lost. The compass will always show me north and point me in the right direction.…ct_id=867348976

5. Battle bond
These small boxes contain the soldier's provisions that are necessary on the journey. These foods will provide all the nutrients and keep me in good shape.…ct_id=944495338

6. Fur hat
A fur hat will keep my head and ears warm. I wouldn't want to freeze in this icy land.…ct_id=801400832

7. My swords
Of course, I don't go anywhere without my swords. I will need them in a fight.…ct_id=951512393…ct_id=951512392

8. Ice Bear
No other mount can go on a journey to such a cold land, so I have to go on an ice bear. The bear will carry my backpack or me when I get tired.

9. Warrior’s Belt
The belt will allow me to pack the most important potions useful in fight.…ct_id=855373586

10. Map
The world map of FAEO and the Island of Eternal Frost will certainly make my journey easier.


Thursday, February 9th 2023, 7:35pm

Things that i would put in my backpack:

1. Legendary Pickaxe - to make my way through ice-covered passages or doors if necessary.

2. Elixir of Lightning - huge terrifying, slow and clumsy yetis wont even notice me flashing across their territory. And even if they do, i will be far away at that point.

3. Ever-Burning Hear Potion - the obvious one. If i get to fight with anything out there, this will surely help me kill it easier by not allowing it to cold up.

4. Kia-Ling Metamorphosis Elixir - in critical weather conditions, under effect of this elixir there will be no need to wade through snow on feet. It can also help me to overcome difficult passages and narrow gaps in the castle.

5. Goblin Mechanic Glasses - to protect my eyes during snowstorms. Also to provide warmth to the part of the face that cannot be covered by the material.

6. Eggs and Bacon - in my case i can eat eggs and meat everyday all year round. This low-weight and handy artifact will keep me satiated during the journey without the need to carry tons of supplies.

7. "Manor of Burdimakh" Research - for sure im going there to kill a powerful monster who captured my loved one. After i hang her head on the castle gate i will need the book to heal my wounds. Im not to expect sudden friendly yeti paramedic visit."

8. Foreign Fruit - they look like they contain vitamin C. This is the last nutrient i need, because eggs with meat dont have it. Well, sailors eat it so i hope they know what they are doing.

9. Incendiary Mix - i bet all monsters who live on ice islands love fire. Especially the fire on their fluffy and flammable fur :)

10. Snow Roaming Ice Bear Amulet - my mount for the ice islands, because it will eat for free. Maybe it will also scare off other polar bears.


Thursday, February 9th 2023, 8:04pm

Your task: Name 10 things from FAEO (with a link to the item) that should not be missing in your travel backpack and briefly explain why it is so important to have them with you. There are 2 bonus points each time you pack 2 specific things!

Great elixir of giant( always should be equiped in case of fighting)
Great elixir of life ( without it you may die fast in fight)
Sack of food (feed your mount while travelling oir fighting)
Fishing tool (proffesional tool) must be there always, never know when you find a rare fish :)
Axe (full armour) important to have it always, dangerous out there :))
Amulet of wraths are always handly on needs
Shadow saved me several times while fighting, so always must have twilight crystals (for lvl 7 and above)
Elixir of healing wounds, you may be hurt during an unexpected fight and no healer around...
Food for yourself , sometimes you may need to recover fast and also give you good satiety
First Aid kitt, should never missing, you cannot use it on yourself but you can help others (never know when you'll need their help too)..
I wrote in rush little bit but mostly of them are totally necessary :) :bye:


Thursday, February 9th 2023, 9:16pm

1. First Aid Kit - always needed if I got hurt…ct_id=940156959
2. Gift for my love
3. Axe - for defense, chopping firewood
4. Mount - to faster travel and to companionship…ct_id=940152031
5. Elixir of Life - can save your life in an emergency
6. Backpack - to get as many things as possible
7. Food - to eat a lot during the trip
8. Helmet - to protect head from cold
9. Boots - to protect feet from cold and grudges
10. Fishing rod - to get food if i will be hungry…ct_id=946220147


Friday, February 10th 2023, 11:59am

1. Ice bear amulet

The bear can move faster so we can search more places.
2. Torch

It is necessary to brighten a dark area.
3. Meat

Caloric and nutritious meat will give the power.
4. Sack of food

Of course the bear also have to eat.
5. Legendary pick

It will help to breal the ice.
6. Compass

Comass will show a direction. It is important because during the snowstorm we can not see anything.
7. Detailed treasure map

The map show the place where the treasure is hidde, but also we can see FAEO world.
8. Fire golem

Golem using his power of fire can be very useful especially in a combat.
9. Scroll healing wounds

We can immidiately heal ourselvs.
10. Elixir of speed

This elixir increase our speed.

Posts: 16

Location: Turkey

Occupation: Receptionist

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Friday, February 10th 2023, 2:13pm

Jester Event - Love breaks the Ice Stage 2

Your task: Name 10 things from FAEO (with a
link to the item) that should not be missing in your travel backpack and
briefly explain why it is so important to have them with you. There are 2 bonus
points each time you pack 2 specific things!

As it only asks what I should have in my
backpack I assume that I already wear equipment to protect me from cold and a
good backpack that protects items inside.

Legendary Fishing Rod

To have infinite food also fish is yeti’s favourite food which I can use
to gain their trust and gain information about evil ice queen, who can know ice
islands other than native species of yeti?…ct_id=952306993

Incarnation Potion: Ancient Yeti Shaman

As it is a potion which not only make you an Ancient Yeti Shaman but also
gives traits and powers of it, it will make it easier to talk to other Yetis as
they will see me one of their own with this I will able gather enough information
about evil ice queen.

Ice Bear Amulet

Very important to have as it will not only increase my speed but also
protect me from monsters and other Ice Bears, it is also very convenient as it can
full his belly with snow from the ground.

Eternity Guard Incarnation Potion

Very important to fight against evil ice queen, Eternity Guard not only
has powerful fire powers to counter ice but also incredible magic resistance with
having its abilities I can win against evil ice queen and after the fight I can
also melt my frozen partner.…ct_id=913340487

Ever-burning Heat Potion

A potion for my partner after I save her, as she was frozen even if I
melt her frozen body she still will be cold, potion is for to completely warm her
from inside and make it safer to travel back.

Fire Flower

To keep my partner warm it will be used like a heat pack


Best item to keep my partner’s feet warm. As she kidnapped from home she wouldn’t
have any shoes or boots on.

Fur Cuirass

Best item to keep my partner’s upper body warm. As she kidnapped from home
she would be wearing casual clothes which is not enough to keep her safe from
the cold of ice islands.

Fur Hat

Best item to keep my partner’s head warm. As she kidnapped from home, she
wouldn’t be wearing any hat to keep her warm.

Insulated Cuisses

Best item to keep my partner’s lower body warm. As she kidnapped from
home she would be wearing casual clothes which is not enough to keep her safe
from the cold of ice islands.

Posts: 171

Location: I am in a happy world full of animals without narcissists and bad people.

Occupation: Teacher

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Friday, February 10th 2023, 2:28pm

Love breaks the Ice Stage 2

Absolute Rescue Scroll
- It will be a very useful item to defend myself against all kinds of negative effects and monsters.
2. Fishing Rod 'Krogan's Mother-in-Law' - It will be very cold and I won't be able to find every food so fishing rod is a good idea.
3. Roaming Ice Bear Amulet - I may not be able to fight the monsters alone, And I need a strong mount to be fast in this cold weather. My bear will be with me.
4. Unique Magic Wand - I'll need the elixir to fight monsters. And if I'm lucky I can find blessings.
5. Parade Axe of Destruction - I have to be very strong and protect myself against monsters, so I must have it with me always. Also, can be used for many different functions.
6. Helmet of the Chimera Tamer - An important item to protect my eyes and head.
7. Ship Compass - The compass will help me not to lose my way.
Deceptive Ringmail Boots - I need sturdy boots to protect my feet from the cold and not to get hurt while walking.
9. Exquisite Chainmail - To keep my whole body warm and protected against blows.
10. Torch - The most important item I need to have with me for light if I enter dark places. And maybe I can warm my hands a little bit.

Posts: 52

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Friday, February 10th 2023, 2:51pm

In my journey to find my love (not that I think -hollow- could ever need rescuing by me but I am smarter so who knows) I would take:

1: I would ask my good friend Itarille if I could borrow her Ice Bear Amulet…ct_id=130000185 because my poor Ellan would just not cope in the snow and ice and travel will be faster with the bear. Speed is of the essence! The bear is also better able to keep me warm if I have to overnight.

2: I would take an Ever Burning Heat Potion as it is an excellent aid in the fight against winter creatures and that is surely what I will be facing on this perilous journey. It may prove useful in defrosting -hollow-!

3: In looking for ideas on how to keep myself and -hollow- warm I remember the Eternal Flame and cannot help but think that will be perfect. As I am only level 4 I have never visited the Islands of Eternal Frost before and no idea if I will be able to find fuel for a regular fire.

4: Speaking to the dwarf he recommended that I take my Antique Clan Pickaxe…ct_id=871255805 as it could be invaluable for breaking through ice and helping me to scale slopes.

5: For energy and warmth and to help my love to wake up I will take Coffee for Two Frankly -hollow- is useless without it.

6: To assist me in any potential battles I take Might of Eternal Sunshine Amulet because there is no better weapon against ice and snow than the sun! I cannot fail to overcome with this mighty spirit’s help.

7: To eat I have a stash of Pumpkin Stew…ct_id=871094401 Warming, vegetarian and nutritious, where can I go wrong?

8; Looking around I realise that I almost forgot my Pet Douji-San He would never forgive me if I left him behind on this important mission that will be undoubtedly challenging! He can keep me company and also help in battles, being tenacious and loyal as well and cute as heck!

9: I grab my Trapper Hat as I do not function well with cold ears. -hollow- knows this well as she is used to me complaining, which is why she bought it for me! Thinking of that makes me want to hurry to get her!

10: As I am leaving I notice that -hollow-‘s Artful Contrition Halberd…artikul_id=4505 is by the door. I know that once defrosted she will need that in order to exact swift revenge. Luckily I have one spot left in my pack and I swiftly pack it.
Of course you are....and I am the Queen Of Sheba.


Friday, February 10th 2023, 2:54pm

I will take with me the most important things to travel and save my love

1.Trapper Hat
I need to take that hat to keep my ears and head warm

2. Magic Tablecloth
I need to take this magic tablecloth so that I have access to food during my journey and also to feed my cold and hungry lover.…ct_id=944229872

3. Antique Battle Satchel
My pockets are too small to fit all the artifacts (my love knows this so he gave me one of the best bags) Now I will use this bag during travel to rescue him ;(

4.Red Amulet of Return
After freeing my beloved, With the help of the amulet of return, we will be able to quickly find way back.…ct_id=782865986

5.Elixir of Healing Wounds
With the help of this I will quickly heal the wounds caused during the expedition.

6. First Aid Kid
First aid kit is very useful for any kinds of injuries. Thanks to this, I can take care of myself and my love.…ct_id=782865983

7. Big Deviation Axe
I take my axe with me to protect myself, build a camp and chop wood for a fire.…ct_id=782866643

8. Invincible Endagar and Sack of Food
During travel I need a strong mount which will help me carry heavy luggage. I will also take a sack of food for it to keep mount alive.

9. Professional Set of Lock Picks
I need it to open locked doors/passages to get to where my beloved is.

10. Torch
I need a torch to light my way at night and wherever it's dark, and to scare away wild beasts.


Friday, February 10th 2023, 5:42pm

Jester Event - Love breaks the Ice Stage 2

Things i would pack in my backpack and why:

1. Trapper Hat - perfect choice for travel amidst snowy hills and through icy caves

2.Roaming Ice Bear Amulet - This fierce beast is the best fit for this kind of adventure. Capability of carrying it's owner and great resistance to low temperature might become essential during our journey. Can act like a comfy bed after removing it's armor.…artikul_id=6476

3.Filling Sandwich - Simple, tasty and easy to pack. what more to demand of food?

4.Little Dragon Urchi - everybody needs someone to talk to and in contrast to ice bear, this little creature can do so…ct_id=869753784

5.Amulet of Luck - Successful adventure requires skill, discipline aswell as a little luck. Two first can be trained. The third needs a little help.…ct_id=952950710

6.Battle chimera metamorphosis Elixir - In case of encountering tough opponents to scare them…ct_id=953619125

7.Torch - Not much to explain here, you cant move forward in complete darkness

8.First Aid Kit - Just in case. Hope it won't be needed…ct_id=782934588

9.Spark of the Heavenly Fires - The purpose of this spark is to melt the ice my loved one is trapped in

10.Red Amulet of Return - The fastest way to come back home after the adventure, also works as an emergency escape tool…ct_id=869700609


Friday, February 10th 2023, 6:17pm

Love breaks the ice - stage 3

Stage 3 - Your Task:
1. Draw or paint a maze - it should not be too small or too easy to solve
2. Think of at least 3 different traps that you build into the maze and how to overcome them
3. Mark the solution as a red line.

Points are awarded for each stage. The player with the highest total score wins. The contributions will be evaluated by the Jesters.

IMPORTANT! Create your own maze, not one from the internet! Post your contribution here in the forum!

We are excited to see your ideas!

More information about the event here and more about the rules here

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Feb 12th 2023, 1:53pm)