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expensive noobs))
Dear noobs, explain your logic, what's the point of stall fights? Question to both races, if you are bored go and kill the monsters)))
Noobs will always be noobs .. today you are crying there are no fights on the plateau and you are bored and tomorrow you just stall fights, real noobs
bravo lol
Noobs will always be noobs .. today you are crying there are no fights on the plateau and you are bored and tomorrow you just stall fights, real noobs
only God can judge me.
I agree that it is pointless to stall in high levels since even heroic buffs does not heal you much, but in low levels stalling might be a good strategy (expect tallar), I m using posion scrolls to achieve enough damage for my GB rep. and stall until I m all out; otherwise a mage one-shots me and it is all over without me doing enough damage. I think it is just a habit from low levels but you shouldn't insult people for their choices...
You have to check /update your infos about getting Gb rep, seriously.I agree that it is pointless to stall in high levels since even heroic buffs does not heal you much, but in low levels stalling might be a good strategy (expect tallar), I m using posion scrolls to achieve enough damage for my GB rep. and stall until I m all out; otherwise a mage one-shots me and it is all over without me doing enough damage. I think it is just a habit from low levels but you shouldn't insult people for their choices...
I thought you get GB rep. after a certain amount of damage and as far as I know that is 150, wow so many raging people here, calm down folks...
GB rep its available only after you are lvl7. THe strategy you use its good, and most likely works, but only brings you valour from the damage you make with blows and poison scrolls.
GB rep its available at lvl7, only in those GB fights where you do a min of 800 damage (for lvl7 players)
Great battle library link
Okay, it seems like there has been a misunderstanding, I didn't mean that I get GB rep. right now since I m level 6 there is no way that I could. I meant to say I generally use that strategy in order to get it. This is not my first character I had another one years ago which is lost during the server transfers. I don't know why this community is always like this, people are raging without even asking and trying to mock with others...
you shouldn't be too surprised about people getting mad over "stalling strategy", while the person stalling might get slightly more damage out of it they also waste everyone elses money and time with it, it's not just something you do that doesnt effect anyone else, but it actively discourages others to take part in these kind of events and battlefields because they might also just have limited time for pvp and spend money on blesses, noone wants to be stuck in a dead fight because the opposing team just stalls them out with poison scrolls...
Stalling has its strategic uses, but you should realize when youre just being a bit selfish and waste other peoples time...
Just my opinion anyways~
Stalling has its strategic uses, but you should realize when youre just being a bit selfish and waste other peoples time...
Just my opinion anyways~
In the past it was availabe to get GB rep even under lvl7, as you can see there are some under-lvl7 players with some GB badges like vizviz or -avengerman- but now its impossible to get GB rep under lvl7 .
not that I pay much attention to my damage, I'm in, use giant, drop shadow, 3 slots blood and die when mages join...with or without big buffs. sometimes I get stunned out before I even use giant, sometimes with no buffs I get 3000 damage. All about luck but I honestly had no idea what the minimum damage per level is lol.
I thought level 7 had to get minimum of 1000 damage in GB to get rep?
not that I pay much attention to my damage, I'm in, use giant, drop shadow, 3 slots blood and die when mages join...with or without big buffs. sometimes I get stunned out before I even use giant, sometimes with no buffs I get 3000 damage. All about luck but I honestly had no idea what the minimum damage per level is lol.
GB min. damage for reputation
If they attack me directly and not just join into a fight I am in, I can assume that it is intention, right? And this is what I am talking about. I know I cannot stand long against any level 8+, but so far I was quite capable to stall lower levels long enough to get fights and GBs started without just being an easy kill for anyone. I never joined any fight any higher levels are in or which have already turned into GB.
So what is the point to attack me or other level 3s directly and one-shoot then? As this wont boost any fight and wont start off any GB. Can believe me, there is more people in there own level group available, they could go for.
So what is the point to attack me or other level 3s directly and one-shoot then? As this wont boost any fight and wont start off any GB. Can believe me, there is more people in there own level group available, they could go for.
I have lost my Puddin!
If they attack me directly and not just join into a fight I am in, I can assume that it is intention, right? And this is what I am talking about. I know I cannot stand long against any level 8+, but so far I was quite capable to stall lower levels long enough to get fights and GBs started without just being an easy kill for anyone. I never joined any fight any higher levels are in or which have already turned into GB.
So what is the point to attack me or other level 3s directly and one-shoot then? As this wont boost any fight and wont start off any GB. Can believe me, there is more people in there own level group available, they could go for.
Level 5 and below can get scalp from you.
Level 6 and below can get valour from you (not much but it still counts)
Also, some higher levels will always attack low levels, especially on plateau...for no reason other than 'they can' and some find it fun knowing it annoys the low level.
Also, if you're intentionally stalling people, no matter how good your intentions are, this can annoy them enough to seek revenge and kill you after fight.
So if you guys talk about selfish considering stalling, you might also like to talk about the other selfish people in here. There is room for stalling and there is also occasions where you better dont stall. And for me GB is a very good reason to stall
certainly in my level. And if you take the effort and check, there is a fair amount of GBs I started thanks to my stalling and not just being an easy kill for some ego.
I have lost my Puddin!
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