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Monday, September 11th 2017, 8:41pm

hey admin 1 ask for eshu deck…ct_id=454032584…ct_id=472329021 2 have deck dro,sco ,daykon cereb every week in 4 month

we opening 4 months 0 bird for me,others openg last 2,3 monhts 0 birds . i write to you at post. how luck this,magmar players 2,3 bird openin every week
other human players last 2 moths 0. how balance this. have shıas ring amulet 2 or 3 at 8 hıgh level magmar players.
characteristic features have fallen.maybe just share the luck fair but no think magmar players the rival is happy for now.
other servers have 3 shaisar objects,human players locked to bird at eshu deck in com
answer to you luck luck luck luck


Monday, September 11th 2017, 9:24pm…t=0&server_id=0 de server fight link…t=0&server_id=0 pl server fight link at now
info see , at other members great luck really


Tuesday, September 12th 2017, 6:38am

been insane lately. at least 3 months since my last shaissar and I was buying 2 decks until i gave up hope.


Tuesday, September 12th 2017, 7:36am

1 shaissar from last 26 uses .well:


Tuesday, September 12th 2017, 1:34pm

admin ,why do not you write,if play deck settings
open server transfer here, how many high level want going only watch. Do you have the courage for this

 lol666 [9] 


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Tuesday, September 12th 2017, 2:29pm…ct_id=454032584…ct_id=472329021 2 have deck dro,sco ,daykon cereb every week in 4 month

we opening 4 months 0 bird for me,others openg last 2,3 monhts 0 birds . i write to you at post. how luck this,magmar players 2,3 bird openin every week
other human players last 2 moths 0. how balance this. have shıas ring amulet 2 or 3 at 8 hıgh level magmar players.
characteristic features have fallen.maybe just share the luck fair but no think magmar players the rival is happy for now.
other servers have 3 shaisar objects,human players locked to bird at eshu deck in com
answer to you luck luck luck luck…at&id=61&page=3
Here you can see the probability that a bird or what ever is that thing to come out.
Ofc it alway depends on personal luck, so good luck next time :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, September 12th 2017, 3:17pm

lososerg admin period, coming first time.first owners kokopelli ikke open first, magmar and humans % 50 bird coming every time in 1 month lososerg period.he go treepwood worked temporarily locked deck last 4 month
library for show.make the conditions appropriate.not need liar to me.
I expect great ı am after this last 1 month for me
magmars kill each other after this.

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

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Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 10:32am

Dear players,

The chances are equally random for all players of both races. The more mobs your race kills, the more chances you will have, that's all there is to that.

I have also checked the event, just to make sure that everything is working correctly. Here are the dates of when the latest events finished:

For Magmars:
  • 2017-08-24 21:34:26
  • 2017-08-03 18:35:21
  • 2017-07-10 19:28:35
  • 2017-06-05 16:14:50
For Humans:
  • 2017-09-10 15:43:08
  • 2017-08-29 14:03:52
  • 2017-08-17 20:05:50
  • 2017-08-10 16:17:37
Everything is working correctly. Same goes for the decks, there is a percentage of chance. You have simply been out of luck.
Lisad | Community Manager


Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 11:21am

nsult have to you really? not yellow make red card if you want to feel good
not need to me location bird, need to me deck bird for ring ,amulet .%90 magmars opening deck bird humans %10
You have simply been out of luck.
you come here no luck last 4 month so no problem :lol:

Posts: 164

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Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 12:29pm

I'm not talking about EVENT, i told you... DECK DECK DECK ... NOT EVENT... EVENT SHAISSAR give accecories only 2% chance... we need DECK DECK DECK BOSSSSSSSSSS...i hope you will understand us problem ...


Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 12:32pm

I'm not talking about EVENT, i told you... DECK DECK DECK ... NOT EVENT... EVENT SHAISSAR give accecories only 2% chance... we need DECK DECK DECK BOSSSSSSSSSS...i hope you will understand us problem ...

Everything is working correctly. Same goes for the decks, there is a percentage of chance. You have simply been out of luck.

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Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 4:14pm

11 tries 0 shaissar for me

28 tries 2 shaissar for dunhill ...

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Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 4:14pm

half year ago ahaha


Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 5:48pm

Someone been unlucky..strange that human side got so many shiasser amuelt/rings if it barely spawns

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Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 6:54pm…49&server_id=10

go go go

dont stoppppp , no shaissar for humans :) thank you :)


Thursday, September 14th 2017, 3:35pm

Might be a good advertisement to change race on 'magmars' :) btw some people lucky to get intricate weapon every chests event.others lucky about shiass deck... but it's still about random,right? :)


Thursday, September 14th 2017, 6:11pm

irrelevant sample
are you want purple weapon?minimum 2500 gold max 5000 gold prepare next chest event
1 clan member 6500 gold pay last event ;)
only i see assesına ıkke cıtadel jpınhal hatred gerad ın chest event so more gold more luck.
assesina yesterday,store erva 2 day ago store 5 or 6 shaısar ıtem last 2 month, erva open 2 bird first 2 week and have others. not problem this
both sides are not fair. no balance for wars now

you take purple weapon,we take bird very good deal for me :music:


Thursday, September 14th 2017, 6:19pm…43&server_id=10
big joke this game
dont stop contınue work

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Thursday, September 14th 2017, 6:22pm…43&server_id=10

jajajaja yess perfecttt goooooooo, dont stop :)

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Thursday, September 14th 2017, 6:24pm

grot pls ask to other player, asessina take all mounts :lol: pls dont ask to us :D or pay 7-8 k gold after talk here ;)