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Saturday, May 30th 2015, 12:00am

MrsWW is promised to me :glance:

:king: :lol: :peace:


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 8:55pm

Wedding between Stellar and DeCrypt

:music: I have the honor to announce the wedding between
Stellar and DeCrypt. :music:

The wedding is the next day 28 June at 21:00 , time server, in the Palace of Marriage.
Friends and guests to the wedding, you can leave here your congratulations and wishes for the happy couple.


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 8:59pm


Ho l'onore di annunciare il matrimonio tra Stellar e DeCrypt.

La cerimonia sarà il 28 Giugno alle 21:00, orario server, nella Cappella dei Matrimoni in piazza fuoco.

Amici ed ospiti, potete lasciare qui le vostre felicitazioni per la felice coppia.
404 not found


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:07pm

Tengo el honor de anunciar la boda entre DeCrypt y Stellar

La boda es el próximo día 28 de Junio a las 21:00 , hora del server, en el Palacio de Bodas.

Amigos e invitados a la boda, puede dejar aquí sus felicitaciones y deseos para la feliz pareja.


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:43pm

sono molto contento per voi :jump: :jump: :jump:


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:48pm

:jump: :jump:
Felicidadesss pareja, ya era hora jeje

Os deseo lo mejor ^^

Pd:no dice donde sera el banquete xD


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:53pm

:dance: bellissima la canzone, Vi auguro di essere sempre felici ^^ :kiss2: :kiss2: :music: :dance: :gift:
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:53pm

questo matrimonio si fa grazie al MIO!! il bouquet l'ha preso proprio la stellar :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
AUGURIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :xmasparty: :xmasparty: :jump: :jump: :jump:


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 9:54pm

Y el gran dia casa mi melliza :woot:Que mas que desearles mucha felicidad en esta nueva etapa que comienzan y que les llene de regocijo compartir un camino juntos... Mucha suerteeee y si el novio anda muy tomado luego de la fiesta le pones media pastillita azul en el trajo para tener una buena noche de bodas :wink:
PD: Si no se comporta como un caballero no habra lugar en Faeo que lo esconda de la furia de tu mellizo :sarcastic:
PD2: Dile al novio que suma puntos invitar a la despedida de soltero
PD3: Si kiby lee esto es en "broma" jajaja


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 10:25pm

Stellar e Decrypt. Che questo matrimonio e la vita di coppia che avete iniziato, vi regali tanta gioia e grandi conquiste. Abbiate la voglia di affrontare le sfide della vita sempre insieme perchè in due si è più forti e da oggi in poi, dovete dimostrarlo ogni momento a tutti con la scelta che avete fatto. Tanti Auguri :kiss2:


Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 10:50pm

Tanti tanti auguri di immensa felicità, cari ^^


Thursday, June 18th 2015, 12:59am

felicidades mi niña espero la pases super q genial estos momentos de felicidad cuidate ehh


Thursday, June 18th 2015, 5:58pm

Muchas felicidades parejita, que todo os vaya muy bien ^^


Monday, June 22nd 2015, 11:26pm

felicidadesssssssssssssss no se cual sera el punto suspensivo que te lleva de nosotros pero felicidades te deseo lo mejor enserio felicidades linda XD


Friday, June 26th 2015, 12:41am

felicitaciones a ambos, quieranse por siempre y tu decrypt cuida mucho de ella ^_^

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Sunday, June 28th 2015, 12:43am

congratz all the best to both of you :smile:

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Sunday, June 28th 2015, 8:01pm

Thanks very much for all your wishes :love: :love:

:mol: :kiss:
Magmar Consecrator

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Wednesday, July 29th 2015, 5:31pm

Wedding between Shaos and blood-slayer666

Im overjoyed to announce the wedding between me blood-slayer666 and my lovely hun shaos at the 2. September 2015 in the place of marriage at 20.00 servertime~

I'm so going to be the happiest bride :love:


Friday, July 31st 2015, 1:10am

Application for MrsWW and Spar


Friday, July 31st 2015, 1:13am

I agree to the above :love1: