thanks for the feedback, haven't checked forum for a while so didn't see all the responses until just now
I agree with almost everything that's been said
As a "past farmer/hunter" (meaning I was always the highest level in clan and had lowest valor rank [didn't start valor really until 9]) I can say that when you're not as strong as others, and especially when they over buff and thorw a bunch of negative spells on you (even if it is part of the game [just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD]) it really makes you not want to go. So in that sense I can understand the allure of abyss and chaotic, where you can easily get reasonably valor and chance for purple armor - which would otherwise be out of your reach.
As to the issue of people not queing up in general, I don't get it.....even if there are strong people (again I've made this point several times in the past, but a long time ago) if enough people are queing up, the chances YOUR group gets stuck with them goes down, so take one for the team, stall the strong people in a BF while your other friends have fun, and then when you reque, chances are someone else will get them.
As to the NEED of buffs and negatives in BF, I get you want to win the fights, but as those who have been playing for some time realize (or hopefully realize) all you do when you have multiple lines of buffs is either force the other side to put even more or to just stop queing, and given that few people on both sides have the supplies to match that many buffs, the end results have been that people stop queing and only those with super buffs rarely go if at that, because why waste all the buffs in your bag for 1 arena?
You can get the same valor and have even more fun, without all those buffs, just aurole and maybe a red still do a bit better, aurole helps with protection and it's still weak enough that if you play smart you can beat the opponent without it on yourself.
Also, you sound hypocritcal of hunters who don't que because they're saving up their do you expect them to pay for buffs and better armor to compete with you when you're the one who already has it?
Look at me now, I'm not the strongest player, but at times I'd like to think I've held my own if not bested some of the stronger people, especially when you take into account the differences in stats and supplies. I never paypalled, but it's been a LONG road, not the best or most fun either, so don't be mad at others that are still walking or crawlling to get to where you are, just because you got there first.
Anywho, rant over, now fill up the que and lets see who can win using the least ammount of buffs
(in no way attempting to collude or rigg a BF you're free to use whatever you want, as you always are, just remember, should you?)