Few hints on how to defeat the zarlogs:
Hiding Zarlog
- At least one of team mate that have the effect
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28442 or
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28448 have to stall, otherwise the armour of the monster will become harder and damage that he receives will become lower.
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28451 this effect should be released when he almost have no life, just block and skip turns until the effect dissapear.
Zarlog Enchanter
- Alway stay in block stance, otherwise depending on the time or probably the monster remaining hp he will get damage mitigation or heal back your damage.
- There should be a phase where the monster charges himself with
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28487 and who in the team have
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28486 have to hit in order to keep the speel down, which completed most probably will oneshot every enemy.
Zarlog Messenger
- Nothing special, he just have a shield
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28465 , only who have the effect
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=28463 can break it, after broke it you can deal damage to him probably for a certain time or for certain turns then he will regain the shield.
Last one idk, link dissapeared before can read carefully
All the info are from skill description, you can manage to get them from reading carefully each one of the zarlog skill.
P.S. only personal supposition and ideas. That could be true or not