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Saturday, August 12th 2017, 7:27pm

Can we bring back the players do to curses?

I have seen
people go to jail for the possibilty of bot My god if you can't prove
it why jail people over that?

Then make out a list and ask guards to investigate, you are making a general discussion for everyone, and i remark : everyone who is jailed.
In short, you are asking to free all cursed player, no matter what is their curse.
If, is one of your friends that get in trouble and accused you should write a specific forum post about it, and make guards or admins check about them another time, not making general discussion about freeing all the cursed people.
To make a easy understandable example, you are asking to free both cheater, haker and innocent people.

dude, give suggestions mate !! whats the point in just criticising an idea made by some player !! ideas are ideas...they might work, they might not !!! :thumbsup:


Saturday, August 12th 2017, 11:15pm

dude, give suggestions mate !! whats the point in just criticising an idea made by some player !! ideas are ideas...they might work, they might not !!!
thats mentors/gaurds jobs, maybe it makes them look bad when we complain because mentors guards i beleive are also ones to suggest things to admins like events and our feedback, but if they dont like our feedback and ideas, it wont go thru.. reason being maybe lol666 made the decision himself to deny this request xD

 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, August 13th 2017, 8:41am

Can we bring back the players do to curses?

dude, give suggestions mate !! whats the point in just criticising an idea made by some player !! ideas are ideas...they might work, they might not !!! :thumbsup:

If, is one of your friends that get in trouble and accused you should write a specific forum post about it, and make guards or admins check about them another time, not making general discussion about freeing all the cursed people.
This is my suggestion :beer:
If you consider one or more of your friend get jailed because of false accusation, you can try to make a specific list on the forum and request guards to review them, i think they will be happy to handle it :yes:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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