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i think rule too complicated. better to do it anyway. i think we should do following:
1. remove rule in say 3 months.
2. daily gifts should give normal thing, plus randomly drop a turn-the-table buf.
3. if the attacker is more than 3 lvls higher, turn-the-table buf would do the following:
3a. prevent all mages on attacker side from using magic for duration of fight.
3b. increase attacked player's max hp by say 100 x lvl difference
3c. auto heal attacked player by say 50 x lvl difference, every 10 secs
3d. increase attacked player's durability by say 500 x lvl difference.
3e. after fight, attacker gets effect like destructor
item 1 is to give time for ppl to get bufs. the amount of the various effect are just suggested, we can change the exact amount. once there are a lot of players with the bufs, everyone can attack, join, exe to their heart's content. same race, enemy race, home land, enemy land, neutral land, everything is ok. but now there's always a risk. make game more fun no? and if someone or some group keep attacking the same low lvl to use up their bufs, it's something guards can look into. if you accidentally attack a low lvl, you just die and life goes on.
the effects i propose for this buf are all in game already, so should not be too much work to implement it. the only issue is to let the attacked player the chance to use the buf or not.
1. remove rule in say 3 months.
2. daily gifts should give normal thing, plus randomly drop a turn-the-table buf.
3. if the attacker is more than 3 lvls higher, turn-the-table buf would do the following:
3a. prevent all mages on attacker side from using magic for duration of fight.
3b. increase attacked player's max hp by say 100 x lvl difference
3c. auto heal attacked player by say 50 x lvl difference, every 10 secs
3d. increase attacked player's durability by say 500 x lvl difference.
3e. after fight, attacker gets effect like destructor
item 1 is to give time for ppl to get bufs. the amount of the various effect are just suggested, we can change the exact amount. once there are a lot of players with the bufs, everyone can attack, join, exe to their heart's content. same race, enemy race, home land, enemy land, neutral land, everything is ok. but now there's always a risk. make game more fun no? and if someone or some group keep attacking the same low lvl to use up their bufs, it's something guards can look into. if you accidentally attack a low lvl, you just die and life goes on.
the effects i propose for this buf are all in game already, so should not be too much work to implement it. the only issue is to let the attacked player the chance to use the buf or not.
i haven't voted yet, cause the rule is long! I haven't finished reading it...
can you add rule such as repeated attack forbidden for the same day server time
and since it's related to paid players it's real money spent, better be serious otherwise ppl who spent in game would feel cheated upon.
and again, all players should use same rule, all of 'em all of us.
i haven't voted yet, cause the rule is long! I haven't finished reading it...
can you add rule such as repeated attack forbidden for the same day server time
and since it's related to paid players it's real money spent, better be serious otherwise ppl who spent in game would feel cheated upon.
and again, all players should use same rule, all of 'em all of us.
forum is fun and benefiting with lots of info
forum is fun and benefiting with lots of info
It's because you yourself has mentioned neutral grounds, remember?No, Dzaack, the number of people who wants it to stay is not higher.
No, people don't vote stay "just in case".
Neutral areas are accesible for both races, they don't belong to anyone, therefore it makes sense to keep them out of this rule.
Regarding clans with "top tier" players and the other ones with low level players, what's the correlation? Before this rule, did stronger clans not stomp on the smaller ones? They did.
The equality I'm talking about is regarding how players are treated by the administration & the helping structures. Not how the players adapt to it. There is a difference.
what does neutral ground has to do with anything here? a human cannot attack a player 3 lvls below on magmar continet and that's enemy land, vice versa for mags who cannot attack humans over here...
stronger player have went and rampage other players and sometimes clans but the comunity has a say to acts like these, for example, if someone is crazy how about stop showing any kind of support to that player? how about marginalizing him? it's been done before and plenty of those people already left the game...
...regarding that equality u're talking about it'll never happen so stop dreaming about it.
If you're so disturbed by the fact that clan wars is being kept out of this, why not present your idea to have this particular exception removed from the rule? As I said, clan wars happened before the rule, it probably happened during the rule was here (like it or not, the rule made these clan wars go less and less, at least in magmar side I have never seen a clan war during this 9 months) and it will happen after the rule is gone because since there'll be no rule regarding attacks on lower levels, now a single high level will be able to jump on every low level in a clan full of low levels alone. Are you following me here?
That equality I'm talking about can happen, and I will do my best to make it happen, you're free to support me on this or to get out of my way, up to you.
I have no intention to start a personal warfare, so this will be my last answer to you, I believe i made myself clear.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
First I thought you didn't read other people's comments, then I realized you didn't the post either, now reading your respond for 3rd time I'm seeing that you didn't read your own answer either !! did you just ask why injury bothers somone that is doing profession or hunting ?If a player only works his profession, hunts every now and then and talks to his friends why does an injury bother him? (leaving aside the fact that today, it's practically free to heal most injuries)
If you believe players have left because of internal wars (whih I mostly agree with) let me ask another question, why do you believe they would count as a change in the development of the game toward today's hunters (executioners)? I highly doubt those that have left because of past executions were all clean players or very ambitious ones... As for seing in black or white, from the start of the thread it is mentioned "Do you want to have the rule completely removed or do you think is better to keep it? " there's nothing in between there, it's one or the other... and after more than 24 hours, I still haven't found a single solid arguemented reason to keep this rule.
oh yes you did ! just wanted to make sure !! It's very unfortunate that alot of people play this game just to be able to beat others and call it fun, sure, if you bully people in RL you would look bad, but if rules let you bully others in game no one cares right ? the answer is No. players behind the computer are still humans. they spend their time, money, and in many cases even emotions in this game.
if you want everyone just kill everyone then they should close game registration because no new player would get passed lvl 3 and just get executed because somone doesnt like how they look or what name they chose ?
just think for a moment, the reason u want this rule gone is because you are seeking "fun", well, just a reminder, how much "fun" are you gonna have before all your punch bags leave game and you find your self alone in cs as it was before attack rules again ?
I just don't understand why people insist so much on killing players more than 3 level below them!! valour?exp?scalp? challenge ? I seriousely fail to see the point.
you want arguement for keeping the rule ? to avoid bullying would be a good reason to start ?
only arguement against keeping the rule was an exceptional situations that accidents happend, other than that people who are not cought up to their level just getting bored of punching mobs, and cant kill their own level players, so now they want some low level punching bags.
I seriosly believed you're smarter than that... I have mentioned neutral grounds and clan wars exactly because it's obvious why this rule cannot apply there and we all accept that but we male axceptions for other locations which is hypocrisy. What I was saying all along is that neutral ground or not is no different than Khair or Ogry when you obviously make a clear distinction among them.
@ Silient wolf
I am not sure how to digest your answer... at first it really seems pathetic then you're misquoting me and you end up talking some more for nothing. I'm gonna repeat myself just for you now, between elixirs for healing wounds, purple research books, Saint Lyran's skull and healers who want to increase their profession it's practically free to heal any typre of wound today.
By far the most important thing you've missed in my comment it's the fact that I do not consider myself a predator and I never chase people to execute but I am so vocal against this type of rules out of principle.
What I really found "fun" in this game was competition and solid pvp tournaments which are abolished for a long time; right now, chating with friends is what mostly keeps me here also... I have made a long series of comments regarding the way this game is run for a while now, we have double valor and non break each week, we have been imposed rules of non attack and i could go on with my rant... This isn't a war game anymore (I'd say what I really think it is but it would be considered insulting).
I seriosly believed you're smarter than that... I have mentioned neutral grounds and clan wars exactly because it's obvious why this rule cannot apply there and we all accept that but we male axceptions for other locations which is hypocrisy. What I was saying all along is that neutral ground or not is no different than Khair or Ogry when you obviously make a clear distinction among them.
@ Silient wolf
I am not sure how to digest your answer... at first it really seems pathetic then you're misquoting me and you end up talking some more for nothing. I'm gonna repeat myself just for you now, between elixirs for healing wounds, purple research books, Saint Lyran's skull and healers who want to increase their profession it's practically free to heal any typre of wound today.
By far the most important thing you've missed in my comment it's the fact that I do not consider myself a predator and I never chase people to execute but I am so vocal against this type of rules out of principle.
What I really found "fun" in this game was competition and solid pvp tournaments which are abolished for a long time; right now, chating with friends is what mostly keeps me here also... I have made a long series of comments regarding the way this game is run for a while now, we have double valor and non break each week, we have been imposed rules of non attack and i could go on with my rant... This isn't a war game anymore (I'd say what I really think it is but it would be considered insulting).
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility. palladin1
i keep seeing lvl 1 0 day old on this thread
loads of multies everywhere
and they keep voting to remove
anyone with a charcter less than a week old should have their votes removed
i keep seeing lvl 1 0 day old on this thread
loads of multies everywhere
and they keep voting to remove
anyone with a charcter less than a week old should have their votes removed
And whilst we are at it, everyone knows about the great big love between OriginalSith and me. Therefore I do appreciate his first post in this thread with some real good and constructive feedback...
STOP... you had me at "great big love"
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
So many reasons, yet i see a great majority of comment (over 75%) from mages...
Dindnt we have in the past some troubles about the exact same rule when players were attacked cause they showed their support in forum for this rule to stay???
Nobody created any multi to vote for it to stay, just players dont want any troubles in case admins decide to remove this rule.
You all high level tell us that you are bored, that this a WAR GAME, that players wanting this rule should go and play Candy Crush or Farmville.... Well, as you big lvl16-19 players want to kill lvl4 players, why dont you go play that Candy crush... i think that is harder than killing a level 4...
Want some action, go fight same level as yours, dont tell us that this is a war game but you wanna wage wars with players 15 levels below yours....
In my oppinion rule should stay. Its an efficient way to avoid abuses and make the game fair for everyonne (cause yeah, attack your level group its a fair fight).
DE had the same rule as owers, so they remove it for a few days. Then the lvl19 raged and went to opposite race land and killed everything (lvl19 killing a lvl3 player). After that it was reinstalled again with some modiffications.
I just hope the admin decission about this rule will take into consideration all the implications for every level, not just for those with loud oppinions on forum.
Dindnt we have in the past some troubles about the exact same rule when players were attacked cause they showed their support in forum for this rule to stay???
Nobody created any multi to vote for it to stay, just players dont want any troubles in case admins decide to remove this rule.
You all high level tell us that you are bored, that this a WAR GAME, that players wanting this rule should go and play Candy Crush or Farmville.... Well, as you big lvl16-19 players want to kill lvl4 players, why dont you go play that Candy crush... i think that is harder than killing a level 4...
Want some action, go fight same level as yours, dont tell us that this is a war game but you wanna wage wars with players 15 levels below yours....
In my oppinion rule should stay. Its an efficient way to avoid abuses and make the game fair for everyonne (cause yeah, attack your level group its a fair fight).
DE had the same rule as owers, so they remove it for a few days. Then the lvl19 raged and went to opposite race land and killed everything (lvl19 killing a lvl3 player). After that it was reinstalled again with some modiffications.
I just hope the admin decission about this rule will take into consideration all the implications for every level, not just for those with loud oppinions on forum.
Quote point 3 of the rules in Clarifying aspects:And again for nurky ....
if a guy attack and can't manage his fight, are rules for call help, he can't call for help a guy with more than 3 lvl .... that yes is in the rules ... but the rules aren't for people who help the guy attacked. And if they are adding that in the rules, it's completely stupid ....
Clan / alliance mates can help their clan / alliance mates in battles
on ANY territory with the only condition that their clan / alliance mate
has been attacked! However, they also must comply with the rule of "not attacking players that are 3 or more levels lower".
If this rule is for the
clans and alliance, it is much more applicable for a player who is not
of his clan or of his alliance, I believe.
I write you the link where that rule comes…3089#post253089
I am not saying that
these rules are good or bad, I just say that they are the rules that are
now and that we have to respect those rules until they are changed or
not. I had to watch without being able to enter
the fight to help the player of my alliance to comply with the rules,
seeing how other players did not follow the rules and entered the fight.
nurky, first, the point of rules you have quote has been modified, check at bottom of the post.
Second, that speak about ATTACKING people, not helping. Yes are rules for attack people, can't attack people lower than 3 lvl ... nowhere it speak about join a fight for HELP, wasn't rules about that until a guard decided that these rules concern the HELP too.
rule of "not attacking players that are 3 or more levels lower".
When you join a fight for help somebody, you're not the one who has attacked, you're the one who help, isn't really the same.
Make rules for protect players for being attacked by to high lvl don't mean make a rule for forbid to help when the attacker is 3 lvl lower than you.
Second, that speak about ATTACKING people, not helping. Yes are rules for attack people, can't attack people lower than 3 lvl ... nowhere it speak about join a fight for HELP, wasn't rules about that until a guard decided that these rules concern the HELP too.
rule of "not attacking players that are 3 or more levels lower".
When you join a fight for help somebody, you're not the one who has attacked, you're the one who help, isn't really the same.
Make rules for protect players for being attacked by to high lvl don't mean make a rule for forbid to help when the attacker is 3 lvl lower than you.
That's what I'm trying to tell you, there is a difference between neutral areas and the continents of each race. There are even events for these neutral areas so that people can fight each other and get valour.
That's what I'm trying to tell you, there is a difference between neutral areas and the continents of each race. There are even events for these neutral areas so that people can fight each other and get valour.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Read all the posts people have put up. Biggest complaint i see is that we can't go help a friend that has been attacked by someone no matter what race you are. Yes people are using the rule to their advantage(IE: looters for exmaple because we can't help friends stop the looting.) Plus a few other low level abuses. Tweak the rules.
1) any level can help in fight you are attacked in.(Same race attacks included)
2) Switch it to 4 level difference. (Plenty of people that can actually kill others 3 to 4 levels higher then themselves)
3) allow us to attack the looters in game ( People we used to be able to help by attacking the looter which we can't no longer)
We already have a clause in the rules to relatilate against someone that hexs, or surses a player so that is covered.
Yes it is a war game but we have now unlike years ago up to a 18 level difference now in players. Shame on the mages that just enjoy attacking the low levels for no reason other then to break their gear and ruin peoples rages. I find no fun in massacre of a low level myself. It happens on both sides seen to many links of fights of attacks on both sides of high levels attacking people 10 levels under theirs.
Unlike others i won't post names all of us know those that tend to attack others that are well below their own level( Happens on both sides). How they have played their own game for yrs.
1) any level can help in fight you are attacked in.(Same race attacks included)
2) Switch it to 4 level difference. (Plenty of people that can actually kill others 3 to 4 levels higher then themselves)
3) allow us to attack the looters in game ( People we used to be able to help by attacking the looter which we can't no longer)
We already have a clause in the rules to relatilate against someone that hexs, or surses a player so that is covered.
Yes it is a war game but we have now unlike years ago up to a 18 level difference now in players. Shame on the mages that just enjoy attacking the low levels for no reason other then to break their gear and ruin peoples rages. I find no fun in massacre of a low level myself. It happens on both sides seen to many links of fights of attacks on both sides of high levels attacking people 10 levels under theirs.
Unlike others i won't post names all of us know those that tend to attack others that are well below their own level( Happens on both sides). How they have played their own game for yrs.
Yes, go on do it better remove. I bet who picked remove option +15. Open a new account stop paypaling trying to grind your account. And boom! 19lv mag attacks you breaks your all stuff and cause cursed injury for 2 weeks. Even trying to remove makes no sense and absurb for my opinion. Without respect and some rules even PvP will be a disaster. No one believed ? OK, just try it.
ok, lets get serious here now... the poll shows no definitive removal or keep... so technically SOME FORM of it should stay AND by the looks of things, be modified atleast with the suggestions provided by all. Lets hope admins seriously look at this and learn from what happened on DE when they removed and chaos broke out and they put it back. MODIFY this one so its pleases more players.Do you want to have the rule completely removed or do you think is better to keep it? Feel free to add your arguments below. And also try not to turn this into any personal disputes with any other players. Stay on topic and constructive. Thank you!
my final 10 cents on this,
xoxo to you Seq baby, I knew you loved me, all the girls love a bad boy which explains the tension
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
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