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Ken or Ryu! - hmm thats a diffuclt one from Mortal Kombat... I gonna have to choose Ken.. more of a legend in that classical game..
Flying vs Swimming?
Flying anytime!
Rich or Famous?
Iphone 5 or Galaxy S3?
Iphone 5 so I can smash it,
1,000 Game Diamonds or 2,000 U.S dollars that you can't use to buy game currency
2,000 U.S dollars that you can't use to buy game currency
Swim with Dolphins or swim with Sharks?
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Swim with sharks, I already swam with dolphins...
lose your sight...or lose your hearing and voice?
lose your hearing and voice - I have already lost 75% of my hearing (was born deaf) and knows what like to lose the remainder 25% - there is also cochlear implants to hear and also a voice device that helps you able to speak!.
No one wants to be blind.
This is an interesting weapon topic...
Mace vs Axe?
axe is better because mace is heavier
WOD vs Xbox
I Will Be Legendary!! :devil:
Lod of course
Bacon vs Canadian Bacon...
This city needs a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them.
didn't even know 2 kinds existed...i'll just go with the regular bacon
up or down?
Up (,up and away)
For Zombie apocalypse : Machete wielding cat or machine gun wielding dog?
machine gun wielding dog HELL YEAH!
valor or exp?
I Will Be Legendary!! :devil:
Yvil or CrossKnights trophy?
Yvil trophy I would take
Blond vs Brunette?
Successful movie star or successful book author?
movie star
singer or dancer?
eroticism or romance ?
romance - is better with ladies
Money vs mystery gift box?
can't i take a bit of both?
Suppose i'll have to choose smart answer and say brains.
chocolates or flowers?