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Saturday, August 13th 2011, 10:42am

how to overcome time transfer limit!!

can someone plzz tell how to overcome this was written here that one can surpass this limit..but its not working!!!


Saturday, August 13th 2011, 3:18pm

Quoted from "josehianei;105358"

can someone plzz tell how to overcome this was written here that one can surpass this limit..but its not working!!!

I have the same problem: downloaded and installed the client, but transfer time seems only to have increased!
Client use IE, can we change this to firefox somehow?


Sunday, August 14th 2011, 6:24am

aahhmn.... i think you two are mistaken... the game client in no way affects your transfer time. Using the client does NOT reduce ur transfer time. Your transfer time does not change when using the game client

*did i say that enought times?*

I think what you were referring to in that link was


...but to decrease time lags
this referes to response time lag and general loading of say locations after moving.

The transfer time is a fixed amount of time it takes to move between locations... i assume you realised that your transfer time increased when you leveled up. As a new player you are given a blessing which increases your movement speed, as such your transfer time is reduced. Bless disappears ... transfer time increases.

P.s. The client is based off of internet explorer and no this will not be changed. The client was made as a windows comes packaged with IE ... firefox, chrome or any other browser are not default on systems and so the developers can't expect that players would have them. Hence a build was chosen that would suite anyone using windows
~Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes~ ...


Monday, August 15th 2011, 10:06am

Transfer times are not affected by using the client, only the loading times. However, you can get wquicker transfer times e. g. by using elixirs of speed or a mount.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

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