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problem with my fourm
Can you please tell me how to fix this problem, for a few days now this has been happening. when I open the fourm pages my client seems to freeze and then when I close the fourm page at the top of the screen the game page is blank and computer starts to open a internet explorer page which is from the fourm screen but says 505 bad gateway. from here I can do nothing else i have to cntrl , alt , del client then start again. this only happens when i go into the fourm pages. (I use firefox as browser but explorer in on the computer but not the prefered option)
Same here. I log into the forums, and then when i try to look at if anyone has talked to me or something in the game, i click on the tab and all i see is the forum, still... Then i exit out and get the 502 Bad Gateway. Also, Another problem I have had is when i try to read the news while i'm logged on, it has the same problem, but when I exit out of the news, I get a pop up and a huge amount of tabs pop up in that window and all go to the news.
Please fix this and Good luck to all,
Please fix this and Good luck to all,
Location: Romania, Bucharest
Occupation: Law School Graduate, looking to further studies and become a judge.
So far I still get the 502 bad gateway pop-up of IE. but the client doesn't seem to freeze anymore. But it is still annoying to have it happen. Also so far it has only happened on my xp pc build at my dad's place. On my home computer with Windows 7 I've had no such issues. Perhaps it is something that only xp users have ? If so, what could be the issue???
Location: Romania, Bucharest
Occupation: Law School Graduate, looking to further studies and become a judge.
Sorry no edit button. Like armagedon said this has been happening maybe for the past week. Which is strange that it didn't happen before. So something must be wrong with current updates of game client maybe ? Something messed up in the code ? IDK