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  • "OriginalSith" started this thread

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Thursday, September 8th 2011, 9:45am

Latest client update problem AND Solution

Yesterday, client updated.

PROBLEM: Client update locks client to a minimized state

Client wouldnt start, just stayed minimized and not opening and had to forcibly close with task manager.

I copied out my DwarClientEn.ini to save my bookmarks then uninstalled client. Deleted the ITT directory and then downloaded a new client copy through Torrent.

Upon installation, client worked just fine once again. I went to copy over my old DwarClientEn.ini back into the ITT directory and i seen that it had changed to

Once i put the old ini into the directory, the client then acted as it did before, minimized, locked up and had to forcibly terminate.


Copy your old DwarClientEn.ini file out - delete your old client installation and download a new copy and install it fresh. Then do the painstaking task of copy/paste your old bookmarks etc into the new client.

Thank you,