why is it that me and many others on mag side were unable to summon in the event,u took the mirrors from pack but no summon appeared,this clearly puts our side at a disadvantage,who knows which way the fights would have swung,+ wastage of blesses as humans and there mountiful summons just abliterated the mag race,srry to say but this event fails,do we get compensated for the loss of what was taken and never received, and why does
http://warofdragons.com/user_info.php?nick=Lethowsow able to receive dragons gift and its not the 23rd, rules state that it is to be received on the 23rd,not the 10th,12th or what ever,or is this just something that will be bypassed as he is a paypaller, if so this will just prove that the game has double restrictions and standards, for humans and mags