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Wednesday, September 21st 2011, 3:41am

Healing Lv9+ wounds

Hi, It's me again lol

Thank you for you answers as to why I can't heal lv9+ wounds, even though I'm already a Lv9 healer and your answers seem totally unfair. Yes i'm not Lv11, but still can't understand the reason or logic behind this move!!! I'm already a Lv9 healer so should be able to heal these wounds????

Little favour to ask? bend the rules this once? Give me a chance to do the quest?

It's will be funny and make you guy's lots of money watching me try to kill all those high lv mobs for this quest, from what i hear i've got kill lv11 mobs..... Come on have a heart and let me have some fun!!




Wednesday, September 21st 2011, 10:10am

I asked Sheara but she told me (in perfect English :smile:) that she can't make an exception. You will havew to wait until you are on level 11.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

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