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Thursday, October 13th 2011, 4:52pm

Game conection in Latvia

Hello, I want to repport that in our country (latvia) There are major connection problems, terrible lags and I have collected information from my fellow latvians and I can tell that we all have this problem, we have different internet providers and our providers say that its not their fault. I have optic internet cable. I dont have any problems with connection speed, only this adress. Its makes us sad, there are really many latvians who want to play this game on this server. many ppl want to raise reputations buy armour and help this game to become even beter so pleasse check if you can fix this, thank you.
I have spoken with ppl who do tallar and, even best lvl 9 player -Andzha- (latvian) became 8th in halls beaucouse of terrible lags. Thats one of 50 players I talked with


Thursday, October 13th 2011, 5:47pm

If there are connection problems in a certain country these cannot be influenced by our server performance. Please contact you internet provider.