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Thursday, October 27th 2011, 9:14am

help pls

hi srry to bother u all,i know that u guys are always busy with stuff to do, i try'd to make a bone dragon elixer and it told me that i needed to buy the recipe,so i paid 20g for the recipe,08:04 You have bought the following items from the shop: Black Dragon Liqueur Recipe 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
then to find i cant use the recipe,i tried the fernus again and the same thing happened,but on the third time it worked, could i pls have the 20g refunded and the recipe removed,i would be so ever greatful to u all, as i know u have a lot better things to do than to have me burden u with my woes,

thank u admins for ur time and patients to us all,may ur path of valour and greatness,make us all strive to be like you