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Haunted House
:fuu: This has got to be the worst event yet. Spend 5g to enter and walk around for a bit only to get teleported out. What kind of an event is that where you dont have a chance to find the treasure. I'm sure i am speaking for several people that there needs to be some kind of compensation for the loss of gold. I'm not one to complain because most events have been fun and well worth doing but this one has been a total rip off.
I have been 3 times and each time i was teleported out before i could find the treasure.
Ok..i'm done with what i wanted to say..gotta go mine for a few weeks to get my money back lol
Lots of people did find the treasure. Please only use this part of the forum for reporting issues. You clicked the wrong door and left the Haunted House. This is a feature of the gáme.
This server is heaven, admins are angels