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Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 6:39am


Warrior, don't just pass by! Try out your luck on the Wheel of Fortune! No tricks, no fraud: fate herself will decide who to reward and who to punish today. For your information, this super attraction has been installed with the permission of the city authorities, so everything is above board. You can make a bet with City Charters, which every brave warrior gathers by the dozen nowadays. Only 150 City Charters - and you are in the game. If fortune smiles on you – you will win Tokens of Fortune, which you can exchange for all sorts of prizes! Even if fortune turns her back on you, you won't be left with nothing: a tankard of excellent Shiz Beer


оwill :ninza:
be your consolation prize! A few mouthfuls will wash all your cares away!Nobody leaves the Wheel of Fortune in a bad mood!

Warrior, don't just pass by! Try out your luck on the Wheel of Fortune! No tricks, no fraud: fate herself will decide who to reward and who to punish today. For your information, this super attraction has been installed with the permission of the city authorities, so everything is above board. You can make a bet with City Charters, which every brave warrior gathers by the dozen nowadays. Only 150 City Charters - and you are in the game. If fortune smiles on you – you will win Tokens of Fortune, which you can exchange for all sorts of prizes! Even if fortune turns her back on you, you won't be left with nothing: a tankard of excellent Shiz Beer оwill be your consolation prize! A few mouthfuls will wash all your cares away!Nobody leaves the Wheel of Fortune in a bad mood!