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Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 6:40am

"free" entry one hundred golden tournament

When i went to vigor the keeper today, i noticed a new quest showing, about a new tournament, when i clicked on it, it said that i would get a free cave entry plus a fatty salve, in payment for giving my feedback on fights in said cave. So i accepted this offer and returned to cs, but when i looked at my backpack, i found 1g had been removed from my inventory, when no sign of the money been taken had been shown to me (Received: Entry Pass for Golden Hundred Tournament 1 pcs, Fatty Salve 1 pcs.) Please either return my 1g to me, or confiscate the pass and give me my 1g back, and add information for future players that it costs 1g, and is NOT FREE unlike what the current information states


Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 4:40pm

Very same thing happened to me yesterday. I can't locate my post on this issue either. Followed the same sequence as discussed by SdeathreaperS above. Afterwards I noticed my wallet was 1g lighter. I would also like my 1g put back and it should be clearly marked that it costs 1g AND if it's no longer valid it should have been taken down by the Admins.


Friday, December 16th 2011, 11:33am

Ive been waiting a long time for a reply now, and admin has answered posts before this one, may i please get some information on this issue??? instead of ignoring the problem?


Monday, December 19th 2011, 10:27am

Same here, I bought the ticket last week. I never used it and it expired. I also want a refund, since I did not know that you had to pay 1g.


Friday, January 27th 2012, 4:50pm

Pls just confiscate the pass if i have to pay 1g because i didnt know....thanks