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Monday, December 19th 2011, 3:14pm


The result of a side effect when using a Scroll of Dilution, that occurs from time to time due to calculation error made by the mage who created the scroll. Gleaming and playing in all colors of the rainbow, the Marvelous Glass is very attractive. Small wonder a use for it was found quickly. After the governments on both


continens :ninza:
have prohibited gambling for interest, the Marvelous Glass has become a worthy substitute for money in hazardous games,

The result of a side effect when using a Scroll of Dilution, that occurs from time to time due to calculation error made by the mage who created the scroll. Gleaming and playing in all colors of the rainbow, the Marvelous Glass is very attractive. Small wonder a use for it was found quickly. After the governments on both continens have prohibited gambling for interest, the Marvelous Glass has become a worthy substitute for money in hazardous games,