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Wednesday, December 21st 2011, 2:50am

Code stuff on games facebook page.

I was absent from the game for several months due to a broken laptop. Can anyone tell me what's going on with all this code stuff contests on the facebook page so I can understand what's going on and how to take part in the contest?


Wednesday, December 21st 2011, 8:52am

first one who enter the correct code in the game gets special prize...
I love cookies! :eda:


Wednesday, December 21st 2011, 10:06am

Quoted from "Dragon Spark;124962"

I was absent from the game for several months due to a broken laptop. Can anyone tell me what's going on with all this code stuff contests on the facebook page so I can understand what's going on and how to take part in the contest?

1st step:The way to participate is to be logged onto facebook and on the WoD page:!/WarofDragonsEN
Then on your character in game, go to char tab, personal info, then on the lower right hand side you should see a promo button. Click that and allow the pop up to appear.

2nd step:be online during the hours that Yvil is on, and watch facebook for when she posts the promo codes, she is usually on during 09:00-18:00 server time. she will not give warnings when she posts, and you must be quick. first to enter code is the winner, very few codes have been able to be use more then once.

thats all there is

Quoted from "Wishbone_Ash;124988"

first one who enter the correct code in the game gets special prize...

Please leave the mentor advice section for the mentors wishbone_ash. but thank you for your help. the player was asking for an in depth answer.


Wednesday, December 21st 2011, 8:12pm

Thanks -Jarlaxle- appreciate the explanation. Is doing these code contests the only way to get more signs of friendship in-game or are they also giving them out for other participation on the facebook page?


Wednesday, October 29th 2014, 11:40am
