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Thursday, December 22nd 2011, 9:01am


Warriors, have a look at the city squares of Faeo: The Christmas trees are not only decorated with beautiful baubles, now they are also illuminated with shining Christmas Fireflies. You did not only bring enough fireflies to let the whole city square shine in a miraculous Christmas light, you also have defeated the Yetis and they have eventually vanished. And everything has been


preparesd :ninza:
for the Christmas fair. Now it is time to relax and to enjoy. You have collected numerous Magic Snowflakes which you can now exchange for wonderful things.

Warriors, have a look at the city squares of Faeo: The Christmas trees are not only decorated with beautiful baubles, now they are also illuminated with shining Christmas Fireflies. You did not only bring enough fireflies to let the whole city square shine in a miraculous Christmas light, you also have defeated the Yetis and they have eventually vanished. And everything has been preparesd for the Christmas fair. Now it is time to relax and to enjoy. You have collected numerous Magic Snowflakes which you can now exchange for wonderful things.