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Thursday, December 29th 2011, 3:55pm

Lvl11 in a lvl9-10 battlefield

Dear Admins,

Would you be so kind to explain how is it possbile to get a lvl11 guy in a lvl9-10 instance?

To eliminate any possible misunderstandings: NO, he didn't level-uped there. He came in wearing both mage armour AND having a magic school. No clue how could he have done this within 5 mintues given for confirming.

And we all know that you pretty much don't stand a chance if such guy joins a fight. Isn't it a bug exploiting?

Oh, and here's the link:…18&server_id=11

Thank you in advance


Thursday, December 29th 2011, 4:07pm

umm yeah was in this... please do something about it... for lv9-10 there is no chance to kill a lv11 with magic.
There is no chance we could have killed him... please look into it


Thursday, December 29th 2011, 4:28pm

He did level up just before the instance started.