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Thursday, December 29th 2011, 1:20am

Xmas Fair closed? but still quests for snow flakes?

Why are the quests still available to get snowflakes, when there is no place to turn them in? I get an error when attempting to access the Christmas Fair in city square. Is this intentional?


Thursday, December 29th 2011, 1:25am

Quoted from "Boomdar;126105"

Is this intentional?

As far as i'm aware, yes. Christmas fair closed at the time it was said it will close in the event news on the front page of the game.
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Thursday, December 29th 2011, 10:17am

These quests are now closed.


Thursday, December 29th 2011, 2:05pm

I can still take the quests. i missed the close date and can not use my snowflakes. Ask one or 2 guards mentor in game they told me to keep them. And also they told me there will be games or ather activities where we can spend our flakes. But now we see that games cannot played with snowflakes. Or there is noway to turn snowflakes in to fair coin. What we will do with our snowflakes?


Friday, December 30th 2011, 12:55am

Quoted from "FreeThunder;126172"

I can still take the quests. i missed the close date and can not use my snowflakes. Ask one or 2 guards mentor in game they told me to keep them. And also they told me there will be games or ather activities where we can spend our flakes. But now we see that games cannot played with snowflakes. Or there is noway to turn snowflakes in to fair coin. What we will do with our snowflakes?

Same question asked - I still have my 55 magic snowflakes - I want something resonable to exchange for these! - Please help Admin!.


Friday, December 30th 2011, 9:05am

Look at this.…ct_id=128205289

What do I do with my snowflakes? I waited for the snow fair throughout the year. But there was no Cave Bears.
The guards and mentors told me that the administration is not on the server. You have to wait.
This is a mistake - I thought. I can not believe that our server was the first server Dwar in the foreseeable
galaxy, where not sold Cave Bears. Back our admins and fix it. I continued
collect snowflakes. Fair closed. Admins have returned ... What will happen now?


Saturday, December 31st 2011, 12:54pm

Here is an excerpt from my private

23:41 - -THE BOSS- - » decster: lvl10 bear killed my endagar
23:45 decster » - -THE BOSS- -: I know that the Cave Bear kills endagar. I already talked about. But the admins do not want to equalize our chances with the Germans and the Poles. This server now - meat for them.
23:47 - -THE BOSS- - » decster,lilmatt5279,TomasLtd:…t=1&server_id=0
23:47 - -THE BOSS- - » decster,lilmatt5279,TomasLtd: you should all write to forum non stop about lvl10 bear

This is one of the battles in the arena. There are many battles. Why do not we make it possible to also get this mount?
Why now, our Valor-players steel leather sack for the training of Germans and Poles?
I do not question the correctness of administration actions. The administration is always right. This is the law.
But our players can at least know the reason? Why German and Polish servers have such a large
advantage at a time when inter-server started working constantly?