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Thursday, January 5th 2012, 12:29am

about Christmas Fair.

Thanks for answering about bear update....but is that fair? Can you answer please , Why On Other Servers There Was Possibility to Update Ice Bear to 10 lvl and 13 lvl, but There Not???? I cant Understand.
And How to understand this

why admin is sitting on lvl.13 bear ? for what ? just because? i dont think so..:/:secret:
Or .COM server is Very-Very-Very Special? :/:neznau::neznau::neznau:


Thursday, January 5th 2012, 12:31am

sorry image not showing , everything is understandable and without it)


Thursday, January 5th 2012, 12:42am

p.s. i have 510 magic snowflakes


Thursday, January 5th 2012, 1:35am

I have 521 snowflake. And I want to say that next year will not be able to gather so much.
After the new update will not be the Yeti. This means that now bears 10-13 will be everywhere,
except in this server. Here, these bears will be only the administration.
Thank you.


Thursday, January 5th 2012, 4:19am

Cross knight , you said : Everything that was announced in the news was offered at the Christmas Fair.
so can u tell,we will be able to update bear by other Fair/event/ later? i hope on that


Thursday, January 5th 2012, 10:21am

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