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Thursday, February 9th 2012, 4:48pm

Problems with the client

I am facing various problems when I load the client. I will try to report the actual messages of the errors that I have, but they are a lot...

Specially, when I am trying to do trades, It is almost impossible and I have to use an internet explorer program and not the clent...

I have tried to re-install the client, but I have the same problems...

Any suggestions???


Friday, February 10th 2012, 9:44am

Can you ba a bit more specific?


Friday, February 10th 2012, 6:54pm

First of all, every time that I try to see the info page of a player, when I close the window, a pop up menu comes up saying "Just-in-time debugger" and advise me to pick a debugger. In order to close it, I have to select to times "close window" because if I pick a debbugger nothing happens


Friday, February 10th 2012, 6:58pm

The only debugger that I can pick is a "New Microsoft Script editor" (I do not have a clue what that might be)


Friday, February 10th 2012, 7:01pm

Line 128
Error: The 'art_alt' has no value

This is the message that I get when I try to do a trade with someone, (it is in greek as my windows are the greek ones, I hope the translation has a meaning for you). I have to press no, several times (like 20 or more) at every step of the trade.


Friday, February 10th 2012, 7:57pm

When the game began I have the following 2 messages:

Runtime error
Line 110
Error: 'MAILRU_API_APP_ID' has no value

Runtime error
Line 7
Error: '_onload' is zero, or is not an object


Friday, February 10th 2012, 7:59pm

Runtime error
Line 257
Error: syntax error


Monday, February 13th 2012, 10:42am

This must be an issue connected with a program on your computer. Unfortunately we cannot give you any further help there.