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Thursday, February 16th 2012, 12:17pm

Valentines day extension and pets

this link states that the event for valentines day was extended for 1 day. After seeing this I decided to get myself some anonymous loveletters for the pet part of this event as I would still have a few more hours to go after the extension. Was happy to see that my amount of letters would grant me 1st price, not quite as happy when I didn't get it.
Would appreciate some response.
Sincerely a very tiny Snowwoman ;)


Friday, February 24th 2012, 3:39pm

Ignoring this post and ignoring my mail to support isn't a good way to solve the fact that you spread misleading information about the event on the forum. I expect some kind of response, containing a good explanation to why you have acted the way you have.


Monday, February 27th 2012, 10:36am

Just read the newspost, the extension was not for getting the anonymous letters.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

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