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  • "Beuwolf" started this thread

Posts: 244

Location: At home

Occupation: Shuffle people

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Thursday, March 1st 2012, 4:23pm

Thursday 1st of March - Maintenance at 08:00 ??

According to Yvils post in the City Forum here.…ver-Maintenance

There was suppose to have been a Server Maintenance done today, but game was still running at 08:00 and at 09:00, has this been delayed and if so, when will it be done now ?

Plus, since you shut down the Inter Server Battelfields yesterday as per Yvil:

** you will not be able to queue for the interserver battlefields anymore until our maintenance tomorrow will be done.**

But since there has been no Maintenance yet, they are still not accessable, when will they become accessable again ?

Since you saying that there should be a Maintenance but then nothing happens, it would be appreciated if you kept us, the Players, informed so we not in a fight when you decided to turn off the Server Switch and start the Maintenance. (And preferable longer notice then 5 minutes as happened in the past)

Beuwolf, a concerned Citizen of Faeo.


Friday, March 2nd 2012, 12:40pm

The mainenance could take place without the need of closing the server. However, as long as we wre testing that everything worked we could not be sure that there was no need to shut down the server.

The interserver battlefields are now open, too.