How you all doing?
As the title says I have lost a piece of equipment a Chrome Claymore.
I was doing attacks with it equiped then I did another and I was attacking with my fishing pole.
I was doing rep quests.
03:50 You have completed the quest Uninvited Guests [4].
03:57 You have begun the quest Bloom of Death [5]. Good luck!
04:02 ยป Vitasphodel: You deal with the evil spirit that tried to destroy the Vitasphodel, then you pick the plant that feeds on the evil energy and place it in your backpack. Received: Vitasphodel[href=] 1 pcs.
That is where I noticed the problem, I did the attack with the univited guests one then the vitaspodel and that is where I noticed it gone.
Ok thanks let me know if there is a problem or I will see my Chrome Claymore when I log back on.
PS that cost me lots I would like it back A.S.A.P. thank you.