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Crystaline Caves 2.0. lost valor
i get confirmation messedge to Crystaline cave 2.0 & confirm. when time come & i instans must start i was expeled from game. & cant login in game 5 min. all time when i tryin log in in game i got msg: Contact with Tekhnikal support.
after 5-6 min i finally log in but lost 16 k valor & cant queue up in instans 3h.
Please, fix it
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough
Error in character configuration! Please contact tech support! we try to go cave 2.0 and lost valour
Now i have msg when trying move from area
You cannot enter the location because no portal has been set up!
& plz fix "Снять штраф 1 золотой" = "remove penalty 1 gold"
if u pay 1 g u can read
14:51 Временный штраф снят с вас, можете снова принимать участие в полях битв!
Temporary penalty was removed. Now u can queue up again
yes, fix it please
8400 valour.
So, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
14:33 » here: To confirm your participation in the battlefield, click here[href=] no later than 14:38:06.
the same ,lost valor
Same problem just lost 8400 Valour
Lost 1g, lost 16k valor....
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough
same here, i lost 11k valour and 1g, what a waste of time and money
Lost 1g and 3% valor too. Not queuing up again any more till this is more stable and the losses have been reinstated.
Same problem. Please fix it.
16,800 valor to be exact.
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough
this shows my valor lose I am now 53.44% was 57.64 I confirmed for this cc2.0 and recieved an error message once I was moved to the waiting to enter location and clock started. I was kicked off when closed error message and I never got into battlefield so why I lost valor?
drops are not "Random" they are "Extinct"
Lost 1g, lost 16.8k valor....
drops are not "Random" they are "Extinct"
Lost 1g and 3% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am trying to post screenshot so the blank above is just a failed attempt not trying to flood forum (
drops are not "Random" they are "Extinct"