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Thursday, March 15th 2012, 6:57am


how can it be, that pinkys can pick cuckoos with having injury??


Thursday, March 15th 2012, 9:55am

What injury ?

Posts: 3,677

Location: in the land of fairies obviously

Occupation: Captain Obvious

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Thursday, March 15th 2012, 9:57am

Not cheat, it's a bug. Injured magmars pick cuckoos too.


Thursday, March 15th 2012, 11:14am

Its actually a small glitch since long. Sometimes the injuries don't take off the cloves so they can still pick.

Posts: 3,677

Location: in the land of fairies obviously

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Thursday, March 15th 2012, 11:50am

Quoted from "Yvil;136298"

Its actually a small glitch since long. Sometimes the injuries don't take off the cloves so they can still pick.

Same with hex, if character with negators or instrument gets hexed, they can still pick; however if they remove the instrument while hexed, they can't re-equip it again.