Elaborate plot to waste our blessings?
We just won a wind rose battle: http://warofdragons.com/fight_info.php?f…t=0&server_id=0
But the screen keeps saying "Fight results are being finalized..." for the past 3-4 minutes, and doesn't let us out of here.
But the screen keeps saying "Fight results are being finalized..." for the past 3-4 minutes, and doesn't let us out of here.
12:11 KingPin : Strong clan lookin for slave clan plz apply to moonwalker
i was watching the fight link and saw it get down to 1 magmar and a few on human side... then it flipped to a screen that fight was not over but like the screenie showing above... then, fight not found at around 27 minute mark... really too bad we finally make a run for it and a game "feature" gets in the way of human first win there
LJ ~ Jedi Order Grandmaster ~ Mentor Website Editor
Mentor info site: http://sites.google.com/site/info4wod/
Mentor info site: http://sites.google.com/site/info4wod/
No clan has submitted a siege application!
yet again, if i try to submi siege application i get: Your clan has already obtained the right to siege the castle!
So, not only do we get nothing when we win, we can't even attempt to fight for it.
Once again, AWESOMENESS!
12:11 KingPin : Strong clan lookin for slave clan plz apply to moonwalker