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Saturday, May 5th 2012, 11:28am

Profession and armor????

Please somebody help me i would like to know which is the best armour for a player who do both hunting and valor..... Also would like to know that pls tell me which is best profession to get max money without paypalling????


Saturday, May 5th 2012, 12:55pm

First to deal with the armour, all the styles are good for valour and hunting, it will come down to how you are able to use them. Read through these 2 links first they may help your understanding better and hence help u to decide which type u like better, only then can u learn to get the best out of that armour style.…mour-is-for-you.…aracter-Classes

Another tricky one as it all depends on the current market, the prof u choose will to a degree complement ur armour style. Someone recently said geo's rule the market as both alchemists and sorcerers need dust. The truth in my view is that they all make loads of money at higer levels as long as you are persistant and willing to work hard at your chosen prof. I haven't answered your Q directly and have chosen to give you links to the guids as that way u can decide for urself and develope ur own character.…ssions-and-Jobs



Saturday, May 5th 2012, 6:28pm

Thanks alot!!