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Sunday, June 24th 2012, 6:06am


i need to kill 10 clay gollems to get the level 5 blessing that everyone speaks about? >.<

or im doing the wrong one? :bee:


Sunday, June 24th 2012, 7:51am

its actually more than 10 from my expirence its in the 50s range


Monday, June 25th 2012, 6:49am

17 gollems gave me:
7 lumps of magic clay.
10 pieces of clay.

I need 10, but twice right? so ya around 40-50.

I think this quest is way harder then it's supposed to be, i use 4 amulets on one gollem, that's 60s a fight not including the potions.
could've buy a green piece of armor.


Friday, July 13th 2012, 12:05pm

The best way is to hire a bz and res the other player to speed things up. The loot drop will cover the res and a bit more, it's not uncommon to be having to hunt over 60 clays to get it done (I had to hunt 74-75), good luck, or come give me a call in game.