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Monday, August 6th 2012, 7:12pm

Am I missing something here?

Why would you ruin this game with ridiculous wait times? Do you expect people to look at a loading bar for 30 seconds, just to click once and repeat. Everything else about this game is great as far as I can tell. However, the constant wait times completely prevent you from 'actively' gaming.
REALism is for great for REAL-time games.
It's a text game. Just let me click around/type as fast as I can. That might add an actual sense of realism.


Wednesday, August 8th 2012, 2:57pm

This might be a problem if the transfer times had just been introduced, but they have been part of the game ever since the game went live as the Russian server. The game has grown from 1 server to 8 more servers over the years. I'll let you decide what that means. Players have found creative ways of doing things in the game and I'm sure in time you too will be more creative with what u do with 20-30 secs transfer time that you have. Good luck :rose: