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Trades between my Alt and Me
is it ok if for every dust order i get i save half(50%) of the order aside for when my Alts Lv2 and give it to him? it shouldnt be considered power-leveling seeing as both acc's are active and also they are both getting the same amount per 1 order
thanks for reading and plz tell me cuz i want to make my Lv1 valor the best i can make him >^
§1. Power leveling and using more than one character
Power leveling of a character
It is not allowed to have several characters registered by the same player with the purpose of improving the wealth of one of these characters.
Registration of a second character
It is allowed to have more than one character on the side of both races, but they may not enter the same fight. If a player has an additional character that is only used for giving an advantage to his other character, e. g. by only using it for activities that are concerned with obtaining game money and /or items and giving it to the first character this will be regarded as a violation of §1a. The game administration might charge diamonds for compensation.
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
so, i cant trade between my alt and this at all, even just 50% of my profits??
you are allowed to trade, but only at normal prices, not at a reduced rate for either party
Registration of a second character...thank you admin...i have one question in regards to the trade between alt and me... if i create an alt character with different profession will i get jailed if i sell resources via post to my main character at reg prices of course? i plan on not using characters at same time. it would also would give me an opportunity to try for valor with the alt character and the only interaction they would have is selling of resources.
Thats fine if you are going to pay the current value of the resources