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Closed my thread!!!…aw-in-usa/page3
this thread was closed... the off topic forum doesn't say we cant talk about politics, and hell im going to keep creating new ones this is a serious topic, this is HARDLY politics this is world news thank you yvil. I bet u were payed any amount of money Yvil to close that forum, did the gov's tell u as a game owner it isnt allowed?? HMM?? i know what ur answer will be and it will be a lie. And all the people that will TRY to defend her, :stop: STOP u wont do any better for anyone. And yvil
thanks for giving in to all their lies. Please direct me with a link to the rules that say the OFF TOPIC forum u cant talk about politics, also if ur here to play a game then dont go on the forum.
this thread was closed... the off topic forum doesn't say we cant talk about politics, and hell im going to keep creating new ones this is a serious topic, this is HARDLY politics this is world news thank you yvil. I bet u were payed any amount of money Yvil to close that forum, did the gov's tell u as a game owner it isnt allowed?? HMM?? i know what ur answer will be and it will be a lie. And all the people that will TRY to defend her, :stop: STOP u wont do any better for anyone. And yvil
I Will Be Legendary!! :devil:
Quoted from "-_-WarMaster-_-;150340"…aw-in-usa/page3
this thread was closed... the off topic forum doesn't say we cant talk about politics, and hell im going to keep creating new ones this is a serious topic, this is HARDLY politics this is world news thank you yvil. I bet u were payed any amount of money Yvil to close that forum, did the gov's tell u as a game owner it isnt allowed?? HMM?? i know what ur answer will be and it will be a lie. And all the people that will TRY to defend her, :stop: STOP u wont do any better for anyone. And yvilthanks for giving in to all their lies. Please direct me with a link to the rules that say the OFF TOPIC forum u cant talk about politics, also if ur here to play a game then dont go on the forum.
Here is the link to the Forum Rules
If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask.
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Quoted from "-_-WarMaster-_-;150340"
I bet u were payed any amount of money Yvil to close that forum, did the gov's tell u as a game owner it isnt allowed?? HMM??
I wish that would be true. But no, I closed it because of the exact reason I told you. You believe in so much crazy stuff why not believe in that as well?
Quoted from "-_-WarMaster-_-;150409"
ur a noob get off the forum
jesus man..i personally think they just simply closed it because they had enough of ur damn trolling every single thread. we have enough of those here and if ur gonna troll,at lest be good at it! so far as ive seen,ur NOT! take a hike!
p.s, do ur relly have this on ur profile : Reroll under me and i will help you with all quests and questions regarding this game, and make you become the best valor player in this game.
please tell me it it worked,then those players are screwed...u coudnt even make yourself a valour plyer so how to guide them about something u have no clue about
you will see, valor comes with time, you cant be the top 100th valor player over night. Give me 1-2 year then when i give lvl 8 injuries for 2 days im sure you will not want to be in District vurdaliya or plat when im around. Dont bother responding to this thread, it will do no use. I remain at hold. Now please dont act childish and write "go back to preschool this is a war game!" as I POSITIVELY KNOW that esperion has to respond to this post, so dont, there is no point... and why do u comment on everything i post, u must like me :secret: well im not obliged so :stop:
I Will Be Legendary!! :devil: