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Your very own Event on WarofDragons!
Dear Community,
Many of you enjoyed and took part in our so called Community Events which are only based on Forum or Facebook. We had good ones where many players joined, we got some fantastic arts and entries and we had events that were not so much of your taste. However, I enjoyed all of them.
Today I thought of a new one and it came to my mind why not let the players create one. So it will be one made by you. Your idea, your creativity and the things you enjoy outside of the game.
Your Task:
Tell me your idea about a community event. However, please remember: Events should be playable on the Forums or Facebook. If you think you can include the game sytem as well, please take care that it wont have the need to create new stuff in the game.
The best ideas will be put on a poll where all players can vote for their fav. All selected ideas will receive 50 pcs of Sign of Friendships. The event that will be picked by the players will receive one piece of blue armoury of your choice. And not only will you be the winner, we also will start your ideas as a real War of Dragons event where everyone can join and enjoy to play it with us.
So make your mind free, think about all the tiny details that are important and let us know your special event!
Deadline is 3rd of May. Discussions in the thread are welcome but the main creator will receive the prize.
Can´t wait to read from you!
Many of you enjoyed and took part in our so called Community Events which are only based on Forum or Facebook. We had good ones where many players joined, we got some fantastic arts and entries and we had events that were not so much of your taste. However, I enjoyed all of them.
Today I thought of a new one and it came to my mind why not let the players create one. So it will be one made by you. Your idea, your creativity and the things you enjoy outside of the game.
Your Task:
Tell me your idea about a community event. However, please remember: Events should be playable on the Forums or Facebook. If you think you can include the game sytem as well, please take care that it wont have the need to create new stuff in the game.
The best ideas will be put on a poll where all players can vote for their fav. All selected ideas will receive 50 pcs of Sign of Friendships. The event that will be picked by the players will receive one piece of blue armoury of your choice. And not only will you be the winner, we also will start your ideas as a real War of Dragons event where everyone can join and enjoy to play it with us.
So make your mind free, think about all the tiny details that are important and let us know your special event!
Deadline is 3rd of May. Discussions in the thread are welcome but the main creator will receive the prize.
Can´t wait to read from you!
It is really not that hard.
Remember events we did on forum, like painting yourself or do a video of your
fights. No events that you can have regularly in the game like
collecting something or similar.
Only Facebook and/or Forum should be involved! There are events that you can
include into the game itself, like create pictures on your profile with
gifts. It needs some time to think about it but I am sure you will come
up with some really nice ideas.
Remember events we did on forum, like painting yourself or do a video of your
fights. No events that you can have regularly in the game like
collecting something or similar.
Only Facebook and/or Forum should be involved! There are events that you can
include into the game itself, like create pictures on your profile with
gifts. It needs some time to think about it but I am sure you will come
up with some really nice ideas.
My entry
Hello Yvil, hello all friends and players,
As a beginning I would like to say more things just before to participate in the event itself.
As a 1st I don't think game events should involve facebook. We know how it's there - as much more friends you have your chance is bigger to win. Facebook is good for commercial and sharing news. Making the game popular itself. But many ppl can go play facebook games if they want to play there. That's the main reason many ppl dissagree with facebook code event. However, let me continue and don't understand me in a bad way.
As a 2nd we have to split the categories. What I mean by that is, even if it drawing event it should be 2 categories:
1) computer programs
2)hand draw
Why I mean that is vry easy to understand with the example I'll give you, just don't understand it wrong but think on it:
Example, last clan battle drawing event on 1st and 2nd propose:
A guy takes a picture from internet, adding it in pain and put 3-4 more things on it for 5 mins. This guy has 2k freinds in facebook. Get 500~ likes and win with overvoting, while a guy who drawn an amazing detail picture of 2 mages fighting gets nothing. WHy? Because he has 200 friends in facebook and he got overvoted and got nothing for his hard job.
Yet facebook can be used, in good cause. But the decisions should be taken in game. The tasks can be "Upload your pictuce in facebook, share it in warofdragons wall and upload it in forum for forum voting". Things like that are much more easy and the commercial is good also!
Ok let me continue...
We have many events ingame, repeatable ones, some by hr, some by weeks and some every year. Why for example we dont take 4-5 or more from the good events and do them Festival Yearly events?!
What I mean by that is, I have waited the Helloween coz of the crazy eyes event, or the costume the year before, or something just involving Helloween celebration, but there was none... And for Christmass? We might have task like "Make a Game Christmas card" (on 2 categories how I ment above and why), Or Valantines Day? No couple event? (Okay there was a poem one but it was disaster...). Or even summer event? "Make a sand drawing on the beach + write "I love warofdragons" ". Or baking cake for Mother's day, Or writting imaginary stories about, for example, "Sheara's dream last night". Or the amazing weapon event? If the boys are weaker on the other categories they can always involve making a nice weapon. And the comic one?... I can give you more ideas. Many more ideas. I think 3 would not be enough so I will state as propose for game event 1 thing only:
Seasonal real life involving events By this I mean all from above, I hope many understand all what I said and agree with me.
And if I win, I promisse to all of you to give long list with nice yearly events. Like this we all will have more time to prepare for them and wait impatient the day when event is announced so we try to apply it first!
That's muffin idea. If I get added and you like it, please don't forget to vote for me!
As a beginning I would like to say more things just before to participate in the event itself.
As a 1st I don't think game events should involve facebook. We know how it's there - as much more friends you have your chance is bigger to win. Facebook is good for commercial and sharing news. Making the game popular itself. But many ppl can go play facebook games if they want to play there. That's the main reason many ppl dissagree with facebook code event. However, let me continue and don't understand me in a bad way.
As a 2nd we have to split the categories. What I mean by that is, even if it drawing event it should be 2 categories:
1) computer programs
2)hand draw
Why I mean that is vry easy to understand with the example I'll give you, just don't understand it wrong but think on it:
Example, last clan battle drawing event on 1st and 2nd propose:
A guy takes a picture from internet, adding it in pain and put 3-4 more things on it for 5 mins. This guy has 2k freinds in facebook. Get 500~ likes and win with overvoting, while a guy who drawn an amazing detail picture of 2 mages fighting gets nothing. WHy? Because he has 200 friends in facebook and he got overvoted and got nothing for his hard job.
Yet facebook can be used, in good cause. But the decisions should be taken in game. The tasks can be "Upload your pictuce in facebook, share it in warofdragons wall and upload it in forum for forum voting". Things like that are much more easy and the commercial is good also!
Ok let me continue...
We have many events ingame, repeatable ones, some by hr, some by weeks and some every year. Why for example we dont take 4-5 or more from the good events and do them Festival Yearly events?!
What I mean by that is, I have waited the Helloween coz of the crazy eyes event, or the costume the year before, or something just involving Helloween celebration, but there was none... And for Christmass? We might have task like "Make a Game Christmas card" (on 2 categories how I ment above and why), Or Valantines Day? No couple event? (Okay there was a poem one but it was disaster...). Or even summer event? "Make a sand drawing on the beach + write "I love warofdragons" ". Or baking cake for Mother's day, Or writting imaginary stories about, for example, "Sheara's dream last night". Or the amazing weapon event? If the boys are weaker on the other categories they can always involve making a nice weapon. And the comic one?... I can give you more ideas. Many more ideas. I think 3 would not be enough so I will state as propose for game event 1 thing only:
Seasonal real life involving events By this I mean all from above, I hope many understand all what I said and agree with me.
And if I win, I promisse to all of you to give long list with nice yearly events. Like this we all will have more time to prepare for them and wait impatient the day when event is announced so we try to apply it first!
That's muffin idea. If I get added and you like it, please don't forget to vote for me!
Hello these are 3 of my ideas for this Forum/Facebook Event:
`Note forgive me if I have posted a idea similar to a previous event because I do not know what kind of events has already taken place.
1) "Replicate your Food Event" Create a artistic replica of a Food object in Warofdragons. For example: Look at Gammon and try to make a reality version of it and then upload it to the Forum or Warofdragons Facebook fan page. The photo that looks really similar to the game object, or has the most likes for best creativity will win the prize. Another example: create a page and divide the page in half. One half revealing the Food object that you want to replicate. And the other half showing your version of it.
2) "Dress up event" Cosplay a character that you enjoy the most and post it in the Warofdragon page/Facebook fan page. The game character can be your own character in game or one of your favorite characters in warofdragons. The character you choose must be appriopiate to the eye because you are showing yourself dressed up as a character to alot of people. The character that you choose can also be your main in game character or one of your favorite NPC's.
3) "Guess Who" The game admins can grab a picture of a Game object or a NPC or anything related to the game and Scramble the picture up (like mix up the picture) The Players then have to guess who this character or object is. The first 10 people who have Guessed correctly will be added to a random draw. The person who gets drawed Wins. The other 9 people also wins a mini prize of 10 Signs of friendships for guessing the object correctly and for being the first 10. This event can be done weekly since it is easy to find a random warofdragons object and then scrambling it around. It is also going to help us for having a nice way of gathering Signs of friendships and gives a chance for other people to have a chance of winning.
These are my three ideas for a Forum/Facebook Community Event. Like I said earlier if I have a event that was done before or is Quite similar, I apologize Since I do not know all the Events that has happend already.
`Note forgive me if I have posted a idea similar to a previous event because I do not know what kind of events has already taken place.
1) "Replicate your Food Event" Create a artistic replica of a Food object in Warofdragons. For example: Look at Gammon and try to make a reality version of it and then upload it to the Forum or Warofdragons Facebook fan page. The photo that looks really similar to the game object, or has the most likes for best creativity will win the prize. Another example: create a page and divide the page in half. One half revealing the Food object that you want to replicate. And the other half showing your version of it.
2) "Dress up event" Cosplay a character that you enjoy the most and post it in the Warofdragon page/Facebook fan page. The game character can be your own character in game or one of your favorite characters in warofdragons. The character you choose must be appriopiate to the eye because you are showing yourself dressed up as a character to alot of people. The character that you choose can also be your main in game character or one of your favorite NPC's.
3) "Guess Who" The game admins can grab a picture of a Game object or a NPC or anything related to the game and Scramble the picture up (like mix up the picture) The Players then have to guess who this character or object is. The first 10 people who have Guessed correctly will be added to a random draw. The person who gets drawed Wins. The other 9 people also wins a mini prize of 10 Signs of friendships for guessing the object correctly and for being the first 10. This event can be done weekly since it is easy to find a random warofdragons object and then scrambling it around. It is also going to help us for having a nice way of gathering Signs of friendships and gives a chance for other people to have a chance of winning.
These are my three ideas for a Forum/Facebook Community Event. Like I said earlier if I have a event that was done before or is Quite similar, I apologize Since I do not know all the Events that has happend already.
War of Dragons Food Art
Most of us if not all, have a favorite snack and beverages while playing the game. The idea is by using your "power" food, create an art related to War of Dragons. It could be a food art about your favorite monster, your character, your clan etc.
Write your ingame name on a piece of paper and put it next on your masterpiece while you take a picture of it. Upload the picture to imageshack etc. and post the link/picture in this thread.
Example below.
Nuff said, thats my first idea.
Most of us if not all, have a favorite snack and beverages while playing the game. The idea is by using your "power" food, create an art related to War of Dragons. It could be a food art about your favorite monster, your character, your clan etc.
Write your ingame name on a piece of paper and put it next on your masterpiece while you take a picture of it. Upload the picture to imageshack etc. and post the link/picture in this thread.
Example below.
Nuff said, thats my first idea.
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough
Hi all. During all life a man has a company of our “little brothers”: dogs, cats, birds... So everyone chooses his pet according to his taste, looking for defender, helper or just a charming creature whose company never will be boring. Also War of Dragons gave us a remarkable chance to acquire beautiful pets which never leave us indifferent.
My idea is to dedicate this event to as to game pets as to real life ones.
Every player can choose any pet available in the game which he/she would like to acquire. Take a funny photo of his real life fellow or a photo of your home pet. Add a funny caption.
4 most funny photos will be awarded with pets their authors wanted to acquire. The first place winner will get a purple pet, 2nd place - a blue one, 3rd place – a green one, 4th place – a grey one.
All participants also will be able to indulge their pets (Pet food - 50 pc.). Good luck to all))
My idea is to dedicate this event to as to game pets as to real life ones.
Every player can choose any pet available in the game which he/she would like to acquire. Take a funny photo of his real life fellow or a photo of your home pet. Add a funny caption.
4 most funny photos will be awarded with pets their authors wanted to acquire. The first place winner will get a purple pet, 2nd place - a blue one, 3rd place – a green one, 4th place – a grey one.
All participants also will be able to indulge their pets (Pet food - 50 pc.). Good luck to all))
First Idea,
Design your own monster event
How to enter...: Design a monster of your liking write a description about it saying where it came from or something, Actually create the monster and a picture of it, hit points, dmage ect.
Award: Monster gets implemented into game. admins can change monster to liking
Design your own monster event
How to enter...: Design a monster of your liking write a description about it saying where it came from or something, Actually create the monster and a picture of it, hit points, dmage ect.
Award: Monster gets implemented into game. admins can change monster to liking
Last Event
(pretty sure is legal not illegal)
(difficulty) = Easy and Hard
Name = Long Run
What to do: what you have to do is make a new character and try to level up as fast as possible. must post new character in forum thread. Cant use a character you already have must see that was made 0 days. Also no giving money through character in game = cheating and will be kicked from event (also known as powerleveling = a jail
There will be 3 places.
Prizes are up to admin but they used to be assassins axe, cerrador and hero's belt
1st place prize:
(pretty sure is legal not illegal)
(difficulty) = Easy and Hard
Name = Long Run
What to do: what you have to do is make a new character and try to level up as fast as possible. must post new character in forum thread. Cant use a character you already have must see that was made 0 days. Also no giving money through character in game = cheating and will be kicked from event (also known as powerleveling = a jail
Prizes are up to admin but they used to be assassins axe, cerrador and hero's belt
1st place prize:
Bring back the Faeo Under the Control of Darkness Event!
Everyone loved it, and it brought a lot of fun to the game plus more people playing. More exciting events like that one, or others that are cheap and easy, very small exp, and rewards. I myself am not a paypaller, although I didn't get the mount, I still loved the event! We should bring it back the day of the next update or something!
Will come back later with more ideas!
Bring back the Faeo Under the Control of Darkness Event!
Everyone loved it, and it brought a lot of fun to the game plus more people playing. More exciting events like that one, or others that are cheap and easy, very small exp, and rewards. I myself am not a paypaller, although I didn't get the mount, I still loved the event! We should bring it back the day of the next update or something!
Will come back later with more ideas!
One does not simmply troll Fairy Tale.
2 ideas
So, here's my two ideas, im not sure if im repeating someone elses plan or not... anyways
(1) Look Alike Contest!
Players are to use their phone cameras, web scouring skills, and any other means nessisary to find look alikes for characters in Faeo. Through interaction with RL friends, family, random strangers, anyone... even people out of movies or magazine pictures... who ever can find the real life person that most closely looks like a faeo NPC wins.
Reward: 1st their choice of any event pet. 2nd thier coice of transformation elixir. 3rd 50 signs of friendship
here's my second idea.
(2) You do that in real life too?
Players are to take pictures of themselves performing their game profession in real life. Such as reeling a small mouth bass(fishing), tending a garden(Herb), or smaking a rock with a pick(Geo). Any interesting, cool, funny picture of themselves participating in their Faeo primary profession
Reward: 1st purple tool(or purple tool with a timer) 2nd blue tool(or blue tool with a timer) 3rd Green tool(or green tool with a timer)
(1) Look Alike Contest!
Players are to use their phone cameras, web scouring skills, and any other means nessisary to find look alikes for characters in Faeo. Through interaction with RL friends, family, random strangers, anyone... even people out of movies or magazine pictures... who ever can find the real life person that most closely looks like a faeo NPC wins.
Reward: 1st their choice of any event pet. 2nd thier coice of transformation elixir. 3rd 50 signs of friendship
here's my second idea.
(2) You do that in real life too?
Players are to take pictures of themselves performing their game profession in real life. Such as reeling a small mouth bass(fishing), tending a garden(Herb), or smaking a rock with a pick(Geo). Any interesting, cool, funny picture of themselves participating in their Faeo primary profession
Reward: 1st purple tool(or purple tool with a timer) 2nd blue tool(or blue tool with a timer) 3rd Green tool(or green tool with a timer)
War of Dragons goes Le Festival International du Film de Cannes!
Let us celebrate one of the recent plugins from our new game client, the video recording.
Be a film director, scrip writer, musical director and the lead role on your own film!!!
Make a short video of your best fights in War of Dragons and show how badass you are. It should not be less than 5 minutes and not exceeding 10 minutes.
Add music, special effects and whatever you think is necessary to make your video special as if its one of the entry for Cannes Film Festival!
Upload it on Youtube and post the link in the forum!
nuff said, my 2nd idea.
Let us celebrate one of the recent plugins from our new game client, the video recording.
Be a film director, scrip writer, musical director and the lead role on your own film!!!
Make a short video of your best fights in War of Dragons and show how badass you are. It should not be less than 5 minutes and not exceeding 10 minutes.
Add music, special effects and whatever you think is necessary to make your video special as if its one of the entry for Cannes Film Festival!
Upload it on Youtube and post the link in the forum!
nuff said, my 2nd idea.
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough
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