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Saturday, September 14th 2013, 9:29am

how to transport to Mag land?

Hi Dear,

Could someone tell me how to transport to Mag's land? I known this is a quest, but i don't know where to begin it and how to do it. Please give me some detial info , Thx.


Sunday, September 15th 2013, 11:34pm

It is a Lvl2v Sub quest within Damerious Heart Break Called Mermaid Mailes Comb, visit Sorena the Mermaid and she will give you a scroll which you can use 3 times per day to telelport to Pymon the Monk in Maglands, However Once this Quest is completed the Scroll is seized and yoou can no longer teleport to maglands :)


Monday, September 16th 2013, 2:54am

you'd better reroll again :smile:


Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 7:03am

you can always take the boat over as well.
I'll look that up...


Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 1:17pm

Or, don`t go lol.

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