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Friday, November 8th 2013, 2:07am

Why would you probably feel annoyed if you forgot to put the :lol: at the end of your posts?

Why don't you ask yourself if you're so curious?

Why did you probably make a mental note not forget to put the :lol: sign at forum posts?

Why is it, when one thinks of an appealing concept then considers its value decreased by the presence of an unappealing concept exiting on the same universe of thought one is dissatisfied?

Why does chocolate make people happy?

Why is green the most relaxing colour to the eye?

Why wouldn't I be able to carry an elephant if I tried?

Why did I think hippos were harmless when I was young?

Why don't universities just ask their applicants whether they're clever, hardworking and knowledgeable and if they say "yes", accept them?

Why are teeth the strongest bones in the body and yet if I hit them hard with a hammer they break?

Why are tigers mostly orange when people say they camouflage themselves in a forest?

Why is studying the cross section of a finger sometimes not ethical?

Why are people so mean to prisoners?

Why are a lot of judge's so annoying to listen to?

Why wasn't their a media uproar when they found a almost fully preserved infant mammoth some time ago?

Why is Chaz also called Tukko?


Friday, November 8th 2013, 2:27am

Why are you probably not feeling annoyed?


Friday, November 8th 2013, 2:30am

becuz i dont wanna be:lol:


Friday, November 8th 2013, 2:55am

Why isn't their a phrase like "the media" to refer to the pencil case industry, just like the news industry?

Why is the news more important than pencil cases?

Why are most plates round?

Why are insects so fascinating to watch?


Friday, November 8th 2013, 3:10am

im gonna haunt u:ghost::lol:


Friday, November 8th 2013, 3:26am

Do you spend a lot of time sitting there coming up with these or does your mind wander that much? :noo:


Friday, November 8th 2013, 3:58am

Why are ghosts so repetitive?

Why are lurkers so frustrating?

Why was this topic moved from City Pub to this desolated place?

Why is the application of the theoretical to the objective reflect emptily on the inquisitive mind?

Why would someone want to be a chef?

Why is mathematics green?

Why are there some complicated things that one tries to figure out and some complicated things that one doesn't?

Why is city square quiet most of the time?

Why is it a little loud the rest of the time?

Why has no one started a movement to against the squishing of snails on public roads?

Why is it possible that someone has?

Why do people lie?

Why do toasters which make toast pop up seem to have a sense of humour?


Friday, November 8th 2013, 4:11am

why am i gonn haunt u?:lol::ghost:


Friday, November 8th 2013, 4:20am

Why do Hogwarts students say "homework" despite the fact that they do it in their dormitories?

Why are somatic cells usually extracted from bone marrow?


Friday, November 8th 2013, 4:28am

u gotta say why on everything u say?:lol:


Friday, November 8th 2013, 5:49pm

Why not?

Why has no one invented a new method for the preservation of the last thoughts of the dead?

Why is it normal to walk in a street?

Why is there a difference between a carbon 12 atom and a carbon isotope?

Why is the political landscape appear to reflect the conflict of simple intention through systematized methods?

Why does that make little sense even to me?

Why does one sometimes feel superior when one is among a group singing like idiots?

Why did Stadol come through the door first?


Tuesday, December 24th 2013, 12:13am

Why do most shaving implements look like spaceships?

Why do boycott campeigns never work?

Why is it bad when your soul is destroyed?

Why is the world divided?

Why should the world be undivided?

Why do people slap cheetah's?

Why can't a human eat raw meat without puking?


Thursday, February 6th 2014, 9:48am

Why do hot water somtimes feel cold when really hot?

Why is it hard to play football on solid snow?

Why do artists not look as respectable as scientists?

Why do scientists need funding for everything?

Why does economics get in the way of all good things?


Thursday, February 6th 2014, 10:36am

As far as I can see, you made account just to be able to post on forum?
If you actually are able to spend this much time to spam, you could actually do something with in-game account.

P.S. No need to reply with lame question like "Why", sometimes people should just put their brain online...if it's possible that is.
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment...until it becomes a memory


Thursday, February 6th 2014, 7:59pm

Why can't you see very far?

Why do you need more carrots?

Why do carrots give vitamin A?

Why is vitamin A good for eyes?

Why don't people pluck their eye's out instead of going on a diet because eye's contain x% of body's fat?

Posts: 1,827

Location: The cosmic shores

Occupation: fullfiling Carl Sagan's dream

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Thursday, February 6th 2014, 9:26pm

Why do i feel this post is annoying and why do i feel like I'm really starting to hate your presence on this thread? ?(
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Monday, February 10th 2014, 11:50am

Why is it hard to describe some types of stupidity?

Why are most of the words in this posting box thingy underlined in red now but usually aren't?

Why does Dzaack get affronted by random threads in off-topic section?

Why is Dzaack not a good example for children?

Why did I forget to put a "c" before a k in Dzaacks name before correcting it?

Why didn't people decide to do a Renaissans earlier?

Why do most people believe the world is round if they never saw it?


Wednesday, February 12th 2014, 12:45pm

Why do most of these questions make sense to me?
Why do Moths fly straight when they fart?
Why do small babies shart when they laugh too hard?
Why dont people believe in BigFoot/Sasquatch?
Why dont people believe in Aliens?
Why ask Why?
Why not just drink Bud Dry?
Why will i now also be verbally abused by a few for posting this?
Why cant people just relax and laugh at the complete nonsense of this topic?
Why am i now sitting here laughing to myself?
If you cant hang with the BIG DOGS, just stay under the Porch!!!! :nono: :sarcastic:


Wednesday, February 12th 2014, 9:52pm

Good job. I'll taker over from here.

Why did you write aliens with the first letter capital?

Why does it sound wrong when ppl say banana is a tropical fruit?

Why is banana a domestic fruit?

Why has Mihawk converted himself into a forum decoration?

Why does it hurt my eyes so much?

Why didn't I think philosophical stuff the instant i was born?

Why did you think about pink elephants now?

Why do I feel some people should be pinned down somewhere and a hammer should be applied forcefully to their face several times while the person executing this manouever should feel great delight and a powerful thrill of fullfillment upon each strike?

Why do most teachers like electrical lights even when the sun is blazing outside?

Why is it when I first come somewhere that i visit often in the future it seems completely different than in the future although it actually, in reality, is the same?

Why would Humpty Dumpty rhyme probably still exist even if Humpty Dumpty caught himself before slipping?
