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Sunday, December 15th 2013, 10:40pm

Battle lags and other stuff

Last couple of weeks I can't access elixirs when in battle. Every time I click on a pot I get a system message like "effects can only be used in battle" - and what do you think I am doing at the moment??? Also, I can't see anything in battle log window or list of participants window. In effect, I can't see the list of players/mobs I am fighting, life/mana levels or effects, good I can see where to hit!

Common chat and trade chat stay empty all the time, personal stats in backpack mode and on icon in the top left corner of the screen are not the same unless I refresh the screen, also when I move between locations or use/equip/remove any items in backpack I need to refresh to see any changes.

All this is annoying in general and makes hunting or fighting other players almost impossible. Getting system messages certainly mean it's not my computer or my Internet provider fault, so I'd be grateful if these game lags were removed.

And it would be nice if I could download game client without getting downloading program first. My computer doesn't like it and I can't see any reason to lower my security level so it wouldn't be removed after Norton checks it.
