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Thursday, April 10th 2014, 4:42pm

Grey pots and giants

Did they change?
I remembered grey pots charge 35% life, and same for giants...
I think the same for green and blue, but not violet or red...

I'm crazy or not? :truce:
404 not found


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 5:05pm

404 not found


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 6:16pm

I've never notice, because I dont use grey potions, but i think its true....i dont remember grey potions only healing 20% of HP, but once again, im not sure.

With giants i believe nothing changed.

By the way...i stop playing this game for more than a year, and I recently started to play again. I've noticed the potions' recipes are different, because i dont remember using any ink. Is there anything where i can see the difference between the "old recipe" and the "new recipe"? Im just asking because I feel I am more independant from geologist/jeweller, but more dependant of fisherman/sorcerer.


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 6:19pm

I'm not sure about "crazy" stuff you mentioned, but giants did change.
It's better to have grey giant in slot than green, since it gives +5% more HP. It has never been like that. Now it is, and most people aren't aware of this.
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment...until it becomes a memory


Thursday, April 17th 2014, 6:35pm

Damn, you're right.....i didnt realize that. Last infernal battlefield i bought green giants. Now i feel stupid xD