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Battle training quest - blessing of warrior's have disappear
this quest have disappear for me and for some other players
It's still there, but for some reason it disappeared from recurring quests log.
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Hi luigiperluigi,
We've fixed your problem.
Please spread the word that those players who experience same problem i.e. they didn't finish this quest in time and do not see it now can write about this problem here and we will solve it manually.
The same thing happened to me. The quest just disappeared.
Thanks for solving it.
I have this problem on my character too. Fix please.
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
my battle training has disappeared completely , even if I speak to the warlord and from my quest pages too... pls fix
me tooo
hi lososerg it works for me, thanks for fixing !!!
Aequam memento rebus in arduis
servare mentem, non secus in bonis
ab insolenti temperatam laetitia
It should be working now for the following players:
I have the same proble. The quest of battle training have disapearance from togor
sandeivid, it should be working now
Hugo Stiglitz
Please let me know if you still have this problem. If you do, I'll do a further investigation.
elsantodeivid, check again. It should work.
It works now in my case. Thanks for quick fix
*thumbs up*