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Sunday, May 18th 2014, 8:11pm

Someone coulf make something please ???

Threepwood ???


Friday, June 27th 2014, 10:13am

Hi , i have problem with my rings|||

why i cannot teleport to my husbend??
and i have bought this ring for that!!!
please, :thumbdown: :thumbdown: thank u!!


Saturday, June 28th 2014, 2:06pm

Maybe you and/or your partner have changed names? If so, rings won't work anymore. Please contact support with your former names as well as your actual names. Supprt will set it right :thumbsup:

Posts: 8

Occupation: estudiante

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Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 10:50pm

Hi, I have the pleasure to announce that Scarfy and sunade love and soon will your wedding with pleasure to show your love to all of you were married in Sheara and will have a son named bob that will mage you're all invited to watch as love these guys, I offer one of the bridesmaids with wolf, and sponsors are fire and pottery.

Thanks for reading this, but is that love in flowing fast Faeo

Hola, tengo el placer de anunciaros de que Scarfy y sunade se aman y dentro de poco harán su boda con el placer de mostrar su amor a todos ustedes se casaran en sheara y tendran un hijo llamado bob que sera mago todos estais invitados a ver como se aman esos chicos , me ofrezco una de las madrinas junto a loba , y los padrinos son fire y alfar.

Gracias por leer esto pero es que el amor en faeo fluye rapido

:love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1:

Posts: 8

Occupation: estudiante

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Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 10:50pm

Hi, I have the pleasure to announce that Scarfy and sunade love and soon will your wedding with pleasure to show your love to all of you were married in Sheara and will have a son named bob that will mage you're all invited to watch as love these guys, I offer one of the bridesmaids with wolf, and sponsors are fire and pottery.

Thanks for reading this, but is that love in flowing fast Faeo

Hola, tengo el placer de anunciaros de que Scarfy y sunade se aman y dentro de poco harán su boda con el placer de mostrar su amor a todos ustedes se casaran en sheara y tendran un hijo llamado bob que sera mago todos estais invitados a ver como se aman esos chicos , me ofrezco una de las madrinas junto a loba , y los padrinos son fire y alfar.

Gracias por leer esto pero es que el amor en faeo fluye rapido

:love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love3: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1:

Posts: 8

Occupation: estudiante

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Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 10:52pm

Love in the clan espiritus inmortales

Hi, I have the pleasure to announce that Scarfy and sunade love and soon will your wedding with pleasure to show your love to all of you were married in Sheara and will have a son named bob that will mage you're all invited to watch as love these guys, I offer one of the bridesmaids with wolf, and sponsors are fire and pottery.

Thanks for reading this, but is that love in flowing fast Faeo

Hola, tengo el placer de anunciaros de que Scarfy y sunade se aman y dentro de poco harán su boda con el placer de mostrar su amor a todos ustedes se casaran en sheara y tendran un hijo llamado bob que sera mago todos estais invitados a ver como se aman esos chicos , me ofrezco una de las madrinas junto a loba , y los padrinos son fire y alfar.

Gracias por leer esto pero es que el amor en faeo fluye rapido
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :love1: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love3: :love3: :love3:

Posts: 8

Occupation: estudiante

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Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 10:55pm

It will be on 07/14/15

Será el día 15-7-14


Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 11:11pm

Wooohooo! a sex show, a free bridesmaid and making pottery with Bob! party! :dance:

Posts: 8

Occupation: estudiante

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Thursday, July 10th 2014, 8:35pm

This joke was sorry guys, so no wedding and there is nothing sorry

No wedding ok?


Esto no es verdad , no hay boda ni hay nada , era broma



Monday, September 8th 2014, 11:51pm

La Boda de xIReTurNz y Shanien

All friends are invited to celebrate their love on Wednesday the 10th of September at 19:00 in the Palace of Marriage! :love1: :dance: :kiss:
Forming grammatically correct sentences is for the normal individual the prerequisite for any submission to social laws. No one is suppose to be ignorant of grammaticality; those who are belong in special institutions. The unity of language is fundamentally political.


Monday, September 8th 2014, 11:58pm

Ooole :jump: , enhorabuena :drink: que seáis muy felices :kiss2:


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 1:38am

:clap: enhorabuena pareja :clap: que seais muy felices :clap:


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 12:04pm

Enhorabuena,compis,mañana a darlo todo por faeo


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 12:07pm

Enhorabuena y el primer hijo será Terrible aunque no sea yo el padre xd.


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 1:13pm

felicidades, os deseo que seais muy felices :)
guapos ;)


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 1:25pm

GRACIAS GRACIAS!!!! aahhh acordaros de traer....(la bebida)....alegria, espero os lo paseis bien y gracias a todos por ser nuestros amigos ^^ :cool: :kiss2: :kiss2:


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 4:17pm

Enhorabuena!!! :rose:

Que seais muy felices y esteis unidos en el camino que vais a comenzar juntos :love1:

Saludos, Gala
:love: Member of Magmar Consecrator :love:


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 8:32pm

felciidades os deseo lo mejor pero como toda boda debe haber una despedida de solteros y de solteras :wink: :wink:


Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 11:25pm

muchisimas felicidades pareja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
al novio no lo conozco mucho pero a la novia si ademas mucho mucho jajajaaja
espero nena que encuentres lo que buscas y eso si te paras a pensar es lo mejor que se le puede desear a alguien
un beso enorme
y de nuevo FELICIDADES PAREJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 24th 2014, 10:05am

about wedding application for turkish players who cant speak english

Turkish players who want to get married, you can inform me via game post about your wedding request(plz write to me date , nicknames and location and ı will be back to you in game for your requests)- ''evlilik başvurusunda bulunacak ingilizce bilmeyen türk arkadaşlar bana oyun içinden veya postadan evlemek istediğiniz tarih yer ve nicklerinizi bildirin ben size oyun içinde dönüş yapacağım''